The emotional component of teaching. A reflective training experience with teachers

Autori/Curatori Alessandra Priore
Anno di pubblicazione 2020 Fascicolo 2020/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 14 P. 254-267 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ess2-2020oa9458
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The system of relationships and emotions that develop in the teaching-learning process define the complexity of teachers’ education and pose the challenge of bringing out the emotional and affective culture that guides school life. Several studies on teaching practices highlight the tendency to refer to technical aspectsas a key dimension of professionalism, rather than on relational and emotional dimensions that can promote the relationship with student. The creative and unprecedented reconfiguration of professional practice is configured as the outcome of a reflexive process of subjective construction and de-construction of the profession and its development.The paper proposes a reflective training experience, which involved 76 teachers, focused on emotional and relational dimensions on teaching and based on the use of the narrative-autobiographical instruments (diary, narrative, metaphor). The results achieved in the monitoring phase show that the training offered an opportunity to reflect on oneself and one’s personal and professional experience, starting from the use of alternative perspectives and interpretations than those that are already in use

Keywords:Reflective practices; emotions; teaching; narrative; educational relationship.

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Alessandra Priore, The emotional component of teaching. A reflective training experience with teachers in "EDUCATION SCIENCES AND SOCIETY" 2/2020, pp 254-267, DOI: 10.3280/ess2-2020oa9458