Il Digital Divide: un modello di analisi dei percorsi di diffusione delle tecnologie digitali

Author/s Nicoletta Corrocher, Andrea Ordanini
Publishing Year 2002 Issue 2002/115
Language Italian Pages 19 P. File size 89 KB
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This article proposes a new model to measure the digital divide within a set of countries or geographical areas. Starting from a series of elementary indicators, the methodology groups these indicators into six factors of digitalisation and, subsequently, aggregates the factors in a single synthetic measure, called SID (Synthetic Index of Digitalisation). The dispersion in the distribution of SIDs constitutes the measure of the digital divide. This method reveals a different approach of measurement, using the principal component analysis to aggregate variables and avoiding many problems and limits showed by previous models. In the article, an application of the method is provided within a set of ten developed countries, for 2000 and 2001. A different measurement for the digital divide reveals new policy implications for public institutions, also highlighting opportunities and risks for managers working in the "digital economy" environment.

Nicoletta Corrocher, Andrea Ordanini, Il Digital Divide: un modello di analisi dei percorsi di diffusione delle tecnologie digitali in "ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE " 115/2002, pp , DOI: