Global crises, new inequalities and co-production of spaces: a research perspective

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Francesco Lo Piccolo
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/98
Language Italian Pages 5 P. 62-66 File size 120 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2021-098010
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This article proposes a critical reflection on the risk of substantial denial of citizenship rights starting from the forms of discrimination in the use and enjoyment of public space introduced by the global crises. The co-production of new spaces at the micro-scale and at the neighbourhood scale (starting from public or semipublic spaces that are often privatised or underused) can become an opportunity for the generation of new places for sharing and socialising that respond to the demand for new services and at the same time define the profile of an innovative urban planning practice, based on full recognition of the right to the city and the institutioncitizen pact.

Keywords: Global crises; right to the city; co-produced spaces

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Francesco Lo Piccolo, Crisi globali, nuove diseguaglianze e co-produzione di spazi: una prospettiva di ricerca in "TERRITORIO" 98/2021, pp 62-66, DOI: 10.3280/TR2021-098010