Governance delle reti sanitarie: i Dipartimenti Inter-Aziendali Regionali (DIAR) nel nuovo sistema sanitario ligure

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Walter Locatelli, Angela Testi, Filippo Ansaldi, Marta Giachello, Cinzia Panero, Valentino Tisa, Cecilia Trucchi
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/109
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 57-81 File size 658 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2019-109004
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The paper aims to analyse the recent reform of the Ligurian Regional Health Service. The new organisational structure is based on a network model in order to cope with the complex patients’ needs and their paths of care. The reform has maintained the previous Local Health Authorities (LHA), but their activity is now coordinated by a new holding organization, A.Li.Sa. and by the Regional Departments (DIAR). The goal of the research is twofold. Firstly it is described how A.Li.Sa. and the University have cooperated to facilitate the change by means of an extended training activity. Secondly, the first results of this reform are assessed with reference to a specific case involving the surgical cardiovascular area.

Keywords: Governance of healthcare systems, health system reforms, network, department, policy evaluation, training.

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Walter Locatelli, Angela Testi, Filippo Ansaldi, Marta Giachello, Cinzia Panero, Valentino Tisa, Cecilia Trucchi, Governance delle reti sanitarie: i Dipartimenti Inter-Aziendali Regionali (DIAR) nel nuovo sistema sanitario ligure in "MECOSAN" 109/2019, pp 57-81, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2019-109004