Cézanne e Merleau-Ponty: arte e filosofia tra uomo e mondo

Author/s Marco Contini
Publishing Year 2001 Issue 2001/11
Language Italian Pages 14 P. File size 156 KB
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The unity of drawing and color in Cézanne’s work discloses the ambiguity of man’s being-in-the-world: not subjectum, at whose glance the ruled universe ‘draws’ itself in clarity and distinctness; neither impoverished subject, irremediably consecrated to non-sense. The space in the work of Cézanne, who definitively renounces the planimetric perspective, reveals itself as a space of mutual structuration between subject and object. Meditating on this lesson, Merleau-Ponty finds the way to overcome classical dualisms, revealing the man-world unity in the mistery of the gaze. Through ontology tries the philosopher to modify the premises of western culture, showing the interlocking, medley, endless exchange beetween distinct terms.

Marco Contini, Cézanne e Merleau-Ponty: arte e filosofia tra uomo e mondo in "SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA)" 11/2001, pp , DOI: