Le relazioni esposte alla XIII Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della Logistica, un’ampia gamma di visioni e approcci scientifici differenti: oltre agli aspetti economici connessi alle infrastrutture di trasporto, infatti, vengono affrontate anche tematiche di carattere tecnico-ingegneristico, giuridico e di pianificazione territoriale.

cod. 380.382

Fabio Carlucci, Andrea Cirà, Carlo Migliardo

Aree naturali protette e strumenti di analisi per la pianificazione degli investimenti


Fascicolo: 1 / 2012

Il lavoro affronta l’ampia tematica dei sistemi di finanziamento delle aree protette. Prendendo spunto dalle politiche pubbliche messe in atto dall’Italia per la salvaguardia dei parchi naturali, si è cercato di valutare l’efficienza di un sistema di prezzi quale forma di finanziamento di tali siti. A tal fine, si è condotta un’analisi sulla disponibilità a pagare dei potenziali visitatori di un parco situato in Sicilia, con il supporto di tecniche di tipo Contingent Valuation e l’applicazione di modelli di Stated Preferences per le indagini sulle caratteristiche socio-economiche e le preferenze individuali dell’attuale domanda eco-turistica.

Antonio G. Calafati

Le città della terza Italia.

Evoluzione strutturale e sviluppo economico

Uno sguardo all’evoluzione strutturale recente delle città della Terza Italia, quella centrale, con lo scopo di identificare le strutture che determineranno le traiettorie di crescita e di sviluppo future. Obiettivo del testo è contribuire a definire un meta-modello per individuare le traiettorie potenziali di sviluppo delle città – e le politiche di regolazione – in una fase di profondo cambiamento dei fattori di competizione territoriale.

cod. 365.923

Le relazioni presentate alla XII riunione scientifica della Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET). La riunione ha approfondito i temi connessi alla sostenibilità, qualità e sicurezza dei trasporti, fornendo un quadro di riferimento e di analisi interdisciplinare e organico di fenomeni per loro natura complessi e strettamente interconnessi.

cod. 380.377

Andrea Cirilli

Long Term urban trajectories in Italy: cities do matter, albeit to different extents


Fascicolo: 3 / 2010

This work consists in a long term (1951-2007) analysis of population and employment trajectories of the major Italian cities, the latter being interpreted as clusters of contiguous and functionally integrated municipalities. The aim of this research is twofold: to assess the contribution that cities - both in the aggregate and individually - have made to the national economic process; to explore the long run spatial evolution of the Italian urban system. A few relevant stylised facts have been found. First of all, the selected cities, despite representing a minor proportion of the Italian territory, have accounted for the bulk of the national population and employment dynamics, with some differences arising in terms of geographic macro-areas. Secondly, Italian urban trajectories have widely differed both in intensity and in time patterns. This suggests that the different cities have made and may make different contributions to national economic development, hence their growth potential and peculiar role should be appropriately gauged by policy-makers on formulating regional development policies. Thirdly, there is no unambiguous evidence of either a revival or a decline of cities in Italy in the recent past, although cities - especially the relatively smaller - have been gaining more importance in the last years. From a spatial point of view, the Italian urban system has experienced a significant process of concentration both at the intraand inter-urban level from the Fifties to the Seventies of the last century, mainly due to a rapidly industrialising economy. Nevertheless, a variety of urban spatial patterns have emerged, with the core municipalities - within the cities - and the relatively larger cities - relative to the whole urban system - playing different roles in the different time periods.

Giacomo Borruso, Romeo Danielis

Trasporti, logistica e reti di imprese.

Competitività del sistema e ricadute sul territorio

Le relazioni presentate alla XI Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET). Il volume offre una visione ricca e articolata del ruolo che i trasporti giocano come attività industriale in sé, nel promuovere lo sviluppo economico e nel determinare la forma e la qualità del territorio e dell’ambiente in cui si inseriscono.

cod. 380.372

Fabio Carlucci, Andrea Cirà

Economia e politica dei sistemi di trasporto

Una chiave interpretativo-metodologica del rapporto economico trasporti-territorio, basata sul presupposto che il sistema dei trasporti rappresenta un pre-requisito per lo sviluppo delle attività industriali e di quelle turistiche. In quest’ottica il testo affronta le molteplici problematiche e gli argomenti di riflessione che emergono nello studio delle quattro modalità di trasporto, con l’ulteriore obiettivo di delineare un quadro dello stato dell’arte della teoria.

cod. 367.2

Andrea Cirilli, Paolo Veneri

Spatial structure and mobility patterns: towards a taxonomy of the Italian urban systems


Fascicolo: 1 / 2009

Spatial structure and mobility patterns: towards a taxonomy of the Italian urban systems - Urban spatial organization has become a wide field of research in the last years, since it is thought to be an important determinant of the city’s performance from many points of view. Nevertheless, Italian urban spatial organization has not been studied in depth and a general description of the Italian urban territory is lacking. The aim of this work is to build a taxonomy of the Italian cities where the latter are conceptualised as agglomeration of contiguous municipalities on the basis of their patterns of spatial organization and commuting-to-work mobility. For this purpose, three preliminary steps had to be carried out. First of all, the major Italian urban systems have been identified, following a functional approach that is based on the principle of maximum self-containment of commuters’ flows. Secondly, original indicators have been built to gain a better understanding of cities’ spatial organization and of their patterns of mobility. Thirdly, the relation between these two dimensions has been investigated through a multivariate statistical analysis. The results of the analysis show that variables of spatial organization especially urban dispersion and of mobility patterns are closely related and that cities might be aggregated in five groups, ranging from the most compact and transitoriented cities to the most dispersed and car-oriented ones.

Andrea Cirilli, Paolo Veneri

Le città nello sviluppo economico dell'Emilia Romagna


Fascicolo: 1 / 2007

Objectives Emilia Romagna is one of the largest and richest regions in Italy. Its development model and its spatial organization have raised much interest in the scientific as well as in the political debate. This region, in particular, shows a very clear-cut urban polycentrism, with most of the major cities being located along Via Emilia. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relation between urban and regional development in Emilia Romagna, in order to assess the role that each city has played in the long-run economic trajectory of this region. Methods and Results To gain a better understanding of the relation existing between urban and regional development, the long-run trajectories of the region’s major urban systems have been analysed comparatively, following a local development economics approach. The underlying idea in this paper is that regional development results from the sum of the local systems’ economic performances. In this perspective, the analysis has highlighted two stylized facts: firstly, a small number of relevant urban systems explain the bulk of the regional population and employment dynamics over the last five decades (1951-2001). Secondly, these urban systems have made different contributions to the region’s development. The comparative analysis, indeed, shows that these cities have followed different trajectories in the long-run, despite a common cultural and institutional background. Such differences in performance should be interpreted in the light of the structural heterogeneity among Emilia Romagna’s cities, as pointed out in this paper. It seems to be the case that the initial conditions of the urban systems have played a significant role in determining their long-run trajectories, through path-dependence mechanisms. The analysis is carried out using descriptive statistics that have been calculated on Italian Census data. The units of analysis are the 13 largest cities conceptualized as functional urban systems in the Emilia Romagna region in terms of population and employment levels in 2001. Conclusions The city performances within Emilia Romagna’s territory differ widely. Thus, more contributions should be made to explain why cities are characterized by heterogeneous structures and have reached different growth rates, despite a relatively homogenous territorial background. Given their heterogeneity and their importance in the regional economy, the urban systems of Emilia Romagna should become preferential units of analysis both for the researcher and the policy-maker. Policy-makers, in particular, should recognise the crucial role that such cities may play in the regional economic process and hence devise policies specifically tailored to them.

Giancarlo Polidori, Giacomo Borruso

I trasporti ed il mercato globale

Gli atti dell’VIII Riunione Scientifica del SIET evidenziano il ruolo centrale dei trasporti nel quadro dell’ampliamento dell’Unione Europea. Con lo scopo di perseguire obiettivi quali il risparmio energetico, la sicurezza dei trasporti, il contenimento degli effetti ambientali, il volume tratta problematiche legate all’omogeneizzazione organizzativa e normativa del settore e al ruolo dei trasporti e della logistica nelle realtà distrettuali. I contributi si focalizzano sulle criticità del trasporto locale e urbano e sulle ricadute che il sistema dei trasporti produce sull’ambiente.

cod. 380.334

Elisabetta Venezia

Economia di mercato e trasporti

Atti della V riunione scientifica annuale della Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti. Bari, 24-25 settembre 1999

cod. 380.256

Luciano Morselli, Roberto Marassi

I rifiuti

La chimica, il ciclo di vita, la valorizzazione, lo smaltimento, il controllo ambientale

cod. 1810.1.20