Remote Work, the Balance Between Times of Living, and the Lockdown: Call for a Gender Perspective

Author/s Anne-Iris Romens
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/160
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 224-243 File size 244 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2021-160011
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A growing number of publications in Italian are focusing on remote work, especial-ly after the lockdown forced thousands of workers to perform their jobs away from their office. However, there is little research in Italian that approaches the topic from a gender perspective. Through its literature review, the contribution challenges the idea that remote work improves the balance between different times of living and reduces gender inequalities. The article argues that it is neces-sary to contextualize remote work, because in asymmetrical gender regimes such as in Italy, this modality can deepen the traditional gender division of labour. The contribution revisits the notions used in the literature to refer to remote work and work-life balance from a gender perspective. Thereafter, it studies and contextual-izes the impact that remote work has on the balance between times of living. Final-ly, the conclusion identifies areas in which further research is needed.

Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Care, Gender, Smart Working, Remote Work, Covid-19

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Anne-Iris Romens, Lavoro da remoto, conciliazione tra tempi di vita e lockdown: per una prospettiva di genere in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 160/2021, pp 224-243, DOI: 10.3280/SL2021-160011