Issue 3/2017
- Hélène Leblanc, Foreword
- Christian G. Allesch, Fechner, Brentano, Stumpf. A controversy on beauty and aesthetics
- Carole Maigné, Le beau et le laid chez Bolzano: une question d’énigme
- Riccardo Martinelli, Gestalt e intuizione: la "psicologia del Bello" di Alois Höfler (Gestalt and intuition: the "psychology of Beauty" of Alois Höfler)
- Venanzio Raspa, Christian von Ehrenfels on absolute beauty
- Maria E. Reicher-Marek, Dispositionalist accounts of aesthetic properties in Austro-German aesthetics
- Leszek Sosnowski, Beauty and ugliness: Franz Brentano and Polish schools of philosophy
- Marco Tedeschini, Le fonti del Disgusto. Aurel Kolnai tra fenomenologia e psicanalisi (The sources of Disgust. Aurel Kolnai between phenomenology and psychoanalysis)
- Veronica Neri, Implicanze etiche dei "visual studies". Metafore e immaginari sociali (Ethical implications of the "visual studies". Metaphors and social imaginaries)
- Fabio Sterpetti, Sulla concezione noetica del progresso scientifico (On the noetic account of scientific progress)
- Emanuela Fornari, La democrazia dei corpi. Note intorno a Judith Butler (The democracy of the bodies. Notes about Judith Butler)
- Daniele Mezzadri, Logic, thinking and language in Frege
- Alessandra Modugno, Il servizio formativo della filosofia (Philosophy’s educational service)
- A cura della Redazione, Indice Annata 2017
Issue 2/2017
- Giulio Barsanti, Mariangela Landi, Foreword
- Giulio Barsanti, "We must strip him to his shirt". The "natural history of man" from Linnaeus to Darwin
- Mariangela Landi, "Man’s place in nature". From Thomas to Julian Huxley
- Roscoe Stanyon, Francesca Bigoni, The contribution of primatology to anthropology
- Colin Groves, Progress in human systematics. A review
- Bernard A. Wood, Human origins
- Jacopo Moggi-Cecchi, Human evolution: the hard evidence of an ever-changing bush
- Martina Lari, David Caramelli, The evolution of human populations. The storytelling from the genome
- Guido Chelazzi, Ecological perspectives in anthropology. From the environmental determinism-negationism to the niche construction theory
- Prisca Amoroso, Gianluca De Fazio, Il gioco come dinamica del vivente. Einfühlung e soggettività in Merleau-Ponty (Play as the living’s dynamics. Einfühlung and subjectivity in Merleau-Ponty)
- Emanuele Coco, Il tempo nelle relazioni tra filosofia e biologia. Prospettive storiche attorno a una mancata rivoluzione (The philosophical thought about time and life sciences. An historical perspective)
- Mariannina Failla, Dogma e libertà religiosa. Il "fil rouge" della laicità da Spinoza a Lessing (Dogma and religious freedom. The "fil rouge" of laicality from Spinoza to Lessing)
- Giulia Frezza, Interaction: A case of "epistemological exaptation" in the life sciences
- Marco Solinas, Rivolte mancate. Sulle correlazioni tra emozioni e spregio in Axel Honneth e Barrington Moore Jr
Issue 1/2017
- Tamara Tagliacozzo, Reinier Munk, Andrea Poma, Preface
- Peter Fenves, Toward messianic nature. From Cohen to Benjamin
- Damiano Roberi, The uncertainty of the sphinx: Nature as threshold in Benjamin
- Julia Ng, Acts of time: Cohen and Benjamin on mathematics and history
- Roy Amir, Messianism and the possibility of knowledge in Cohen and Benjamin
- Tamara Tagliacozzo, Walter Benjamin and Hermann Cohen on experience and infinite task
- Bruno Moroncini, Come si scrive la storia? Messianismo e storiografia in Walter Benjamin (How to write history? Messianism and historiography in Walter Benjamin)
- Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, Critique of state violence in Walter Benjamin and Hermann Cohen
- Irene Kajon, Paradoxa in messianic idea. The influence of Cohen on Scholem’s concept of messianism
- Ezio Gamba, "The source of all religious art"? Messianism and art in Cohen’s thought
- Lia Formigari, Theory and history of theory. A few notes on linguistic historiography
- Federico Albano Leoni, Premises, goals and problems in linguistic historiography
- Elisa Magrì, Auto-affezione e auto-determinazione. Sulla critica di Hegel a Kant negli scritti jenesi (Self-Affection and Causality. On the Hegelian Criticism of Kant and Fichte in the Jena Writ-ings)
- Antonio Rainone, Action explanation, intensionality, and empathy. From Anscombe to Quine (via Davidson)
- Mario De Caro, Massimo Dell’Utri, Arcipelago Putnam (The Putnam Archipelago)