Business cycles, macroeconomic policies and capital markets

Carmine Trecroci

Business cycles, macroeconomic policies and capital markets

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9788846461636

Edition: 1a edizione 2005

Publisher code: 365.342

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9788846493408

Edizione:1a edizione 2005

Publisher code: 365.342

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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Economists and policymakers are today as ever divided in their assessment of the role that capital markets and economic policies play in fostering macroeconomic stability and economic growth. Essays on business cyles, marcoeconomic policies, and capital markets collects a series of empirical analyses on crucial issues in macroeconomics and finance in the past two decades.
The establishment of the European Monetary Union and the recent big swings in the US federal deficit have reignited the debate on the (strategic?) interplay between budget and monetary stabilisation policies. To this end, the first two chapters shed some light on the interactions between monetary and fiscal policies in Europe and the US.
Monetary aggregates are at the heart of the monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank; the third chapter studies the joint behaviour of M3, inflation and output in aggregate data pre-1999.
What drives exchange-rate fluctuations in the long run? Besides well-debated theories of the real exchange rate, the fourth chapter performs an innovative decomposition/attribution of real exchange rates shocks using historical data.
The final chapter conducts an analysis of the joint behaviour of indicators of stockmarket valuation and measures of economic activity in the US.

Carmine Trecroci is associate professor of Economics at the University of Brescia in Italy, and honorary research fellow at the University of Glasgow. He teaches courses in financial economics, investment theory, and monetary markets and policies. His current research focuses on stockmarket valuation and business cycle fluctuations, and on macroeconomic policies.

Budget Policy, the FED, and US Business Cycle
Budget and Central Bank Policies on the Road to EMU
M3 and Inflation in the Run-Up to Emu
Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, and Real Exchange Rates in the (Very) Long Run
A Note on Stock Market Valuation Rations and the Business Cycle

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Economic Theory

Level: Scholarly Research

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