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Cities and Regions in transition

A cura di: Roberta Capello, Andrea Conte

Cities and Regions in transition

The conference of the Italian Regional Science Association (AISRe), held in September 2022 in Milan, provided a great opportunity to reflect on the local responses to the important challenges that European territories are facing, with a main focus on local and regional economic systems. It highlights some of the ways in which cities and regions are grappling with the transformative processes imposed by disruptive challenges, such as shifts in labour markets and working conditions, the increasing urgency of environmental concerns and the push for resource-efficiency and decarbonization.

Pagine: 290

ISBN: 9788835152811

Edizione:1a edizione 2023

Codice editore: 11390.7

Informazioni sugli open access

The conference of the Italian Regional Science Association (AISRe), held in September 2022 in Milan, provided a great opportunity to reflect on the local responses to the important challenges that European territories are facing. This book collects a series of contribution that were presented during the conference, with a main focus on local and regional economic systems. Far from being exhaustive on the issue of global challenges and local responses, it highlights some of the ways in which cities and regions are grappling with the transformative processes imposed by disruptive challenges, such as shifts in labour markets and working conditions, the increasing urgency of environmental concerns and the push for resource-efficiency and decarbonisation, and the drive to increase productivity and growth through modernisation processes, irrespective of the type of sectoral specialization (high vs. low sectors). The book is structured in three parts. The first part presents four papers dealing with the recent challenges and the regional responses to such challenges. The second part of the book is dedicated to novel methods and applications for spatially monitoring and analysing socio-economic transformations, focusing in particular on R&I investments, value chains, poverty, wellbeing and firms' efficiency levels. The third part of the book focuses on the role of cohesion policies in guiding socio-economic transformations.

Roberta Capello is Full Professor of Regional Economics at Politecnico di Milano. She is Past- President of AISRe and of RSAI.

Andrea Conte is Head of the Territorial Economic Data, Analysis and Modelling (TEDAM) team at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

Roberta Capello, Andrea Conte, Cities and Regions in Transition: Introductory Remarks
Part I. The Recent Challenges
Roberta Capello, Silvia Cerisola, Regional Transformations Processes: Reindustrialization and Technological Upgrading as Drivers of Productivity Gains
Fabrizio Fusillo, Francesco Quatraro, Circular Economy Transition and Recombinant Dynamics in European Regions: The Role of Localized Knowledge and Digital Technological Complementarities
Roberto Dellisanti,
CCIs and Regional Resilience in Transition Periods. Heterogeneity in Advanced and Lagging EU Regions
Laura Neri, Nicola Sciclone,
Vulnerability to Poverty of the Tuscan Households During the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak
Part II. Socio-Economic Transformations: Measurement Tools
Andrea Conte, Anabela M. Santos, Territorial Mapping of EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation Activities
Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Ghezzi, Renato Paniccià, Regional Integration in Domestic and International Value Chains: Employment, Occupations and Skills
Cristina Bernini, Silvia Emili, Maria Ferrante, Poverty Adaptation, Multidimensional Well-Being and Regional Disparities in Italy: A Statistical Matching Approach
Federica Galli,
Spillover Effects in the Innovative Activity of Italian Start-ups: a Spatial Stochastic Frontier Approach
Part III. Socio-Economic Transformations: The Role of Cohesion Policies
Gianluigi Coppola, Sergio Destefanis, Mario Di Serio, Matteo Fragetta, European Structural Investment Funds Multipliers in the Italian Regions
Cristina Brasili, Pinuccia Pasqualina Calia, Zbigniew Mogila,
Cohesion Policy Impact on Regional Development Cross-sectional and Panel Data-based Spatial Analysis
Debora Gambina, Fabio Mazzola,
The Impact of Spatial Spillovers on Cohesion Funds' Effectiveness: A Spatial Panel Analysis for the Italian Provinces
Marusca De Castris, Daniele Di Gennaro, Guido Pellegrini,
Do Spatial Spillovers of Regional Policies Aid the Reduction of Regional Inequalities in Europe?

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