Organizing for Sustainability

Alessia Zoppelletto

Organizing for Sustainability

Resilient Organizational Architectures to Co-create Sustainable Transitions

Today’s world faces grand challenges, such as climate change, social inequality, and environmental degradation. Addressing these complex issues calls for collaborative approaches among diverse stakeholders. Traditional, incremental company-level changes are inadequate. This book explores how companies adapt their organizational architectures to embark on sustainable transitions, analyzing three longitudinal case studies to identify best practices for achieving sustainable future scenarios.

Pages: 120

ISBN: 9788835168232

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Publisher code: 10365.57

Info about Open Access books

Today's world faces grand challenges, such as climate change, social inequality, and environmental degradation, that require transformative and cross-sectoral responses. Addressing these complex issues calls for collaborative approaches among diverse stakeholders. Traditional, incremental company-level changes are inadequate. Systemic approaches and new organizational solutions are needed.
Sustainability-driven inter-organizational collaborations transcending traditional organizational boundaries may leverage organizational architectures orchestrating a constellation of logics. Organizational architectures, such as business networks or integrated supply chains, allow to tackle sustainability challenges more effectively. Understanding how firms evolve their organizational architectures - whether through formalized networks or informal partnerships - is essential to develop successful sustainability models.
This book explores how companies adapt their organizational architectures to embark on sustainable transitions, analyzing three longitudinal case studies to identify best practices for achieving sustainable future scenarios. While it does not comprehensively examine all the typologies of organizational architectures, the book offers insights into architectural strategies for tackling current societal challenges.
However, effective participatory architecture alone does not ensure positive results in navigating societal issues. Leadership plays a key role in shaping these architectures by guiding collaboration, cultivating shared values, and managing stakeholder relationships or tensions. Sustainability leaders need to develop these organizational architectures by enhancing the competitive strengths inherent within each organization, making these organizational designs more resilient over time.

Alessia Zoppelletto is a Research Fellow and adjunct professor in Organizational Science at the University of Verona (Italy), Department of Management. She obtained her Ph.D at the University of Trento and received the Doctor Europaeus title for her work conducted at the University of Innsbruck. Her research interests explore the potential cross-fertilization effects between digital transformation and organizational sustainability.

Figures & Tables
The organization-centric debate around sustainability
(Sustainability transitions; The debate on organizational sustainability)
From an organization-centric to a multi-stakeholder approach to sustainability
(The role of stakeholder collaborations in sustainability transitions; Collaborative organizational architectures for sustainability; Resilience and long-term dynamics in sustainability transitions)
Sustainable business networks
(Omega: a sustainability-oriented business network; Method; Omega's sustainability-oriented architecture)
Sustainable supply chains
(The case study of Brun Gelmino; Method; Sustainability-driven supply chain information systems and platform integration)
Multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainability
(The organizations included in the sustainability cross-sector collaboration; Method; Profit-nonprofit-public collaborations for sustainability)
Sustainable futures: architectures and architects
(Sustainable leaders crafting resilient organizational designs; Implications, limitations, and further directions)
The Author

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