Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in 20th Century in Europe

A cura di: Franco Amatori, Andrea Colli, Nicola Crepas

Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in 20th Century in Europe

Pages: 496

ISBN: 9788846416704

Edition: 1a edizione 1999

Publisher code: 2000.881

Availability: Limitata

When the ICSIM (Istituto per la Cultura e la Storia d'Impresa Franco Momigliano), an institute based in the central Italian town of Terni, offered to host the second conference of the European Business History Association, choosing the topic - Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in twentieth-century Europe - deciding what to do was easy. At the end of the 1800s, Terni was one of the first Italian company towns, being constructed around the most important (at that time) steel plant in the country. Subsequently, during the course of the next century, Terni experienced the fate of this "old" sector - decline (made more severe by the fact that the company was entirely dependent on the constant and direct support of the State), a State support which financial and political reasons made progressively impossible.

But Terni did not surrender to its economic decline. As is argued in one of the papers in this volume, on the basis of the professional skills acquired from years of operating in the industry, Terni tried to maintain at least part of its steel production and to develop new activities, even if not always with success. This central Italian town became a significant example of the history of the "old continent", the cradle of industrialization, in this century. Two world wars that had a deep impact (they are often defined as European "civil wars"), the most terrible crisis of the capitalist system, an energy shock, sharp fluctuations in markets, and territorial division of labour could not provoke substantial tremors in the European industrial structure. Yet the cultural and technical wealth, the great variety of the "actors" involved, the capacity to respond to challenges, all this, even in a complicated process not devoid of failure, made Europe as a whole an area that it would be difficult to define as "declining".

This volume provides a rich and multifaceted contribution to historical knowledge. The structure is intentionally loose, so as to allow students and academics from the various European countries who participate in EBHA meetings like this an opportunity to exchange views and information. The objective is to form a common European scholarship in business history.

Hi-tech industries and industrialization policies
Emmanuel Chadeau , Renewing human capital: French aeronautics and World Wars
Jari Eloranta , In whose interest? The interaction of public decision-making and private interests in the armaments production of Finland and Sweden in the 1920s and 1930s
Renato Giannetti , The Red Queen: the Italian national system of innovation and economic growth (1870-1990)
Ruggero Ranieri , The impact of wide strip mills in steel-producing regions in Britain and Italy (1945-1965)
Organizational capabilities and industrial renewal
Roy Church , Dynamic Marketing Theory and the business system in Britain in the nineteenth century
Francesca Fauri , Between government and market: "Scientific Management" in Italy in the interwar years
Maurice Kirby , The development of Operational Research as a management tool: the British experience, 1940-1980
Nick Tiratsoo , High hopes frustrated: the British Institute of Management as an agent of change, 1947-1963
National policies for industrial development
Mila Davids, Anne-Marie Kuijlaars , Stimulating remote regions: relocation policy in the Netherlands between the 1960s and the 1980s
Margarita Dritsas , The advent of the tourist industry in Greece during the twentieth century
Christian Vandermotten , From the history of the industrial spatial pattern to the future of Belgium
Regional systems
Hubert Bonin, Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau , Deindustrialisation and reindustrialisation: the case of Bordeaux and Nantes
Paolo Di Martino, Chiara Falasca, Cosimo Quaranta, Paolo Raspadori , Large-scale, state-owned industry in Terni: public control and the development of small firms
Roberto Ferretti , Industrial reconversion, the local community and the "network of enterprises". The case of Bologna after World War Two
Giorgio Mellinato , Growth without development. The port of Trieste in the first half of this century: links between maritime activities and industrialisation
Olle Krantz , Structural changes in the Swedish household and ornamental glass industry in the twentieth century
Multinationals as agents of change
Geoffrey Jones , British trading companies and industrial development
Joost Jonke, Keetie E. Sluyterman , The lure of industry: Dutch trading companies entering and abandoning industrial activities
Steven Tolliday , American multinationals and the impact of the Common Market: cars and integrated markets, 1954-1967
Antonello Zanfei , Transnational companies as networks of innovators
External agents for economic development
Hein A.M. Klemann , Economy and industry during the German occupation. The Netherlands 1940-1945
Uwe Müller , Industrialisation and deindustrialisation by war: The development of industrial enterprises in Brandenburg, 1933-1948
María A. Pons , Banking and industrialisation in Spain, 1939-1975. The influence of "universal" banks
Laura Stanciu , Host governments and multinational strategies in East Central Europe before 1948
Emmanuel Chadeau , Renewing human capital: French aeronautics and World Wars
Jari Eloranta , In whose interest? The interaction of public decision-making and private interests in the armaments production of Finland and Sweden in the 1920s and 1930s
Renato Giannetti , The Red Queen: the Italian national system of innovation and economic growth (1870-1990) - Ruggero Ranieri , The impact of wide strip mills in steel-producing regions in Britain and Italy (1945-1965)
Organisational capabilities and industrial renewal
Roy Church , Dynamic Marketing Theory and the business system in Britain in the nineteenth century
Francesca Fauri , Between government and market: "Scientific Management" in Italy in the interwar years
Maurice Kirby , The development of Operational Research as a management tool: the British experience, 1940-1980
Nick Tiratsoo , High hopes frustrated: the British Institute of Management as an agent of change, 1947-1963
National policies for industrial development
Mila Davids, Anne-Marie Kuijlaars , Stimulating remote regions: relocation policy in the Netherlands between the 1960s and the 1980s
Margarita Dritsas , The advent of the tourist industry in Greece during the twentieth century
Christian Vandermotten , From the history of the industrial spatial pattern to the future of Belgium
Regional systems
Hubert Bonin, Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau , Deindustrialisation and reindustrialisation: the case of Bordeaux and Nantes
Paolo Di Martino, Chiara Falasca, Cosimo Quaranta, Paolo Raspadori , Large-scale, state-owned industry in Terni: public control and the development of small firms
Roberto Ferretti , Industrial reconversion, the local community and the "network of enterprises". The case of Bologna after World War Two
Giorgio Mellinato , Growth without development. The port of Trieste in the first half of this century: links between maritime activities and industrialisation
Olle Krantz , Structural changes in the Swedish household and ornamental glass industry in the twentieth century - Multinationals as agents of change
Geoffrey Jones , British trading companies and industrial development
Joost Jonke, Keetie E. Sluyterman , The lure of industry: Dutch trading companies entering and abandoning industrial activities
Steven Tolliday , American multinationals and the impact of the Common Market: cars and integrated markets, 1954-1967
Antonello Zanfei , Transnational companies as networks of innovators
External agents for economic development
Hein A.M. Klemann , Economy and industry during the German occupation. The Netherlands 1940-1945
Uwe Müller , Industrialisation and deindustrialisation by war: The development of industrial enterprises in Brandenburg, 1933-1948
María A. Pons , Banking and industrialisation in Spain, 1939-1975. The influence of "universal" banks
Laura Stanciu , Host governments and multinational strategies in East Central Europe before 1948.

Serie: Varie

Subjects: Economic History

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