Carlo Vezzoli, Giovanni Maria Conti, Luca Macrì, Martina Motta
Designing Sustainable Clothing Systems
The design for environmentally sustainable textile clothes and its Product-Service Systems
The Fashion System is one of the most polluting and most impactful industries on the environment. In the last decade the fashion industry has changed its approach, aware of the fact that the attention to the environment can no longer be considered a trend. This path shows the need to intervene in design terms and that the growth in responsibility and role of design, requiring reference scenarios, knowledge and new tools. The book defines the features and scenarios of sustainable development, as well as the evolution of sustainability in research and practice of fashion design, addressing the strategies for the design and development of environmentally sustainable products.
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9788835140115
Edizione:1a edizione 2022
Publisher code: 10319.13