Evolution or Revolution in European Population

Aeep, Eaps, Iussp, Uiesp

Evolution or Revolution in European Population

European Population Conference. 2

Pages: 304

ISBN: 9788820499037

Edition: 1a edizione 1996

Publisher code: 2000.765

Availability: Discreta

I. Family formation and the first phase of the life course - Gijs Beets, Does the increasing age at first birth lead to increases in involuntary childlessness? - Martine Corijn and Joop de Beer, Family formation and fertility in Belgium and the Netherlands: a comparison - Viviana Egidi and Susanna Zaccarin, Women's condition and reproductive behaviour: a multilevel approach to analysis of Italian data - Olivia Ekert-Jaffé and Catherine Sofer, Formal versus informal marriage: explaining factors - Lisbeth B. Knudsen, Do gender-specific differences in fertility pattern in Denmark reflect different expectations to men and women? - Andrei G. Volkov, Changes in the population family structure of Russia - II. Stratification and mobility - Alfred Dittgen, Nuptialite et religion en Europe - Hans Hansen, Some demographic impacts of current reginal and ethnical differentials in Denmark - Rob Lewis, The demography and geography of London's ethnic minorities - Mark Tolts, Ethnicity, religion and demographic change in Russia: Russians, Tatars and Jews - III. International mobility - Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo and Barbara Sannino, A European research project on migrants integration - Ingrid Esveldt and Jeannette J. Schoorl, Migration networks of Turkish and Moroccan migrants to the Netherlands - Tomas Frejka, Kristina Iglicka-Okolska, Ewa Jazwinska, Vida Kanopiene, Miroslav Macura, Elena Malinovskaya, Brendan Mullan, Marek Okolski, Serhyi Pyrozhkov and Audra Sipaviciene, Changing international migration patterns in Central and Eastern Europe in the early 1990s - John Stuart MacDonald, Migration: patterns and ideas old and new - IV. Ageing and generational solidarity - Mike Murphy and Emily Grundy, Changes in intergenerational support transfers in the 1980s: the case of living arrangements - John Pollard, Long term care: demographic and insurance perspectives - Christopher Prinz, Population ageing and intergenerational equity in the Austrian pension system. A long-term analysis of cohorts born in the 20th century.

Contributors: Gijs Beets, Raimondo Cagiano De Azevedo, Martine Corijn, Joop De Beer, Alfred Dittgen, Viviana Egidi, Olivia Ekert-Jaff, Ingrid Esveldt, Emily Grundy, Hans Hansen, Rob Lewis, John Stuart Macdonald, Mike Murphy, John Pollard, Christofer Prinz, Barbara Sannino, Jeannette J. Schoorl, Catherine Sofer, Mark Tolts, Andrei G. Volkov, Susanna Zaccarin

Serie: Varie

Subjects: Demography and Statistics

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