Evolution or Revolution in European Population

Aeep, Eaps, Iussp, Uiesp

Evolution or Revolution in European Population

European Population Conference. 3

Pages: 352

ISBN: 9788820499112

Edition: 1a edizione 1996

Publisher code: 2000.766

Availability: Nulla

V. Health, morbidity, mortality and quality of life - Jacques Vallin, Espérance de vie: quelle quantité pour quelle qualité de vie? - Guy Desplanques, Andrée Mizrahi and Arié Mizrahi, Mortality and morbidity by social category - José Geurts, International comparability of disability-free life expectancy: the need for harmonized measurement instruments for impairments, disabilities and handicaps - Irina Juravleva, Nina Lakomova and Hannele Pâlosuo, Health factors: socio-cultural differences of Russia and Finns - Anton E. Kunst and Johan P. Mackenbach, International comparison of socio-economic inequalities in mortality - Attila Molnár, Learning capability of children with low weight depending on the mother's social status - VI. Approaches to population studies: data, models and theories - Pau Baizán, Martina Lo Conte and Richard Wall, Applying family and household typologies: some European comparisons - Marco Bottai, Migratory careers. An application and some suggestions - Dionisia Maffioli and Maria Castiglioni, The Brass method to estimate fertility from birth-order data. Applications and extension - Piero Manfredi, The problem of the sexes: an overview of recent materials - Milivoja Sircelj, Applicability of international recommendations for measuring total population - Anatoli I. Yashin and Ivan A. Iachine, Genetics of human longevity: Danish twin data applied to the demographic question - VII. The future of Europe's population - Henk A. de Gans, Looking back to the future of Europe's population. Lessons to be learnt from early endeavours in long-term demographic forecasting - Marian Storkey, The size and projected numbers of London's ethnic minority population - VIII. The demographic impact of policies - Brigitte Baccaïni, Les questions de population dans l'enseignement secondaire en France, Italie, République Tchèque et Pays-Bas - Roberta Rossi et Angela Silvestrini, La Conférence du Caire vue par la presse Néerlandaise, Italienne et Tchèque: une synthèse - Nada Stropnik, Population policy versus family policy - Appendix - Francesco Billari, Maria Chiara Debernardi and Giuseppe A. Micheli, Whither demography? A concise portrait of European participants to the 1995 Milan Conference.

Contributors: Pau Baizan, Brigitte Beccaini, Francesco Billari, Marco Bottai, Maria Castiglioni, Henk A. De Gans, Maria Chiara Debernardi, Guy Desplanques, Jos Geurts, Ivan A. Iachine, Irina Juravleva, Anton E. Kunst, Nina Lakomova, Martina Lo Conte, Johan P. Mackenbach, Dionisia Maffioli, Piero Manfredi, Giuseppe A. Micheli, Ari Mizrahi, Andre Mizrahi, Attila Molnar, Hannele Palosuo, Roberta Rossi, Angela Silvestrini, Milivoja Sircelj, Marian Storkey, Nada Stropnik, Jacques Vallin, Richard Wall, Anatoli I. Yashin

Serie: Varie

Subjects: Demography and Statistics

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