From the ‘White Paper’ of the Tuscany Region to Replicable Best Practices in the Reception of Person in Need of International Protection

A cura di: Ivana Acocella, Giorgia Bulli

From the ‘White Paper’ of the Tuscany Region to Replicable Best Practices in the Reception of Person in Need of International Protection

The volume presents a selection of best practices implemented in the Tuscany region in the field of reception and integration policies for migrants and asylum seekers. The volume adopts the framework of the “White Paper on Reception Policies for Asylum Seekers and International or Humanitarian Protection Holders” released in 2017 by the Tuscany Region and Anci Toscana to consolidate principles, guidelines and best practices, as well as to provide a common framework aimed at improving reception services and integration policies for migrant citizens.

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9788835169741

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Publisher code: 11520.24

Info about Open Access books

The volume presents a selection of best practices implemented in the Tuscany region in the field of reception and integration policies for migrants and asylum seekers. This book is the result of research conducted within the European project "Global Social Work and Human Mobility: Comparative Studies on Local Government and Good Social Work Practices in the Euro-Mediterranean Region" (Global-ANSWER), dedicated to promoting knowledge exchange, expertise transfer and the dissemination of best practices in social work and human mobility in Europe. The volume adopts the framework of the "White Paper on Reception Policies for Asylum Seekers and International or Humanitarian Protection Holders" released in 2017 by the Tuscany Region and Anci Toscana to consolidate principles, guidelines and best practices, as well as to provide a common framework aimed at improving reception services and integration policies for migrant citizens. Within this context, the volume's primary goal is to identify good practices, analyze the context of their application, describe their characteristics and assess their potential for replication in other settings. The volume is a useful tool for a broad audience, including social workers, educators, policy evaluators and implementers, policymakers, students, academics, citizens with a migrant background and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understandingof migrant integration.

Ivana Acocella is Assistant Professor at the University of Florence, Department of Political and Social Sciences, where she teaches Qualitative Research Methodology and Sociology of Immigration. Her research focuses on the epistemological and methodological aspects of qualitative approaches in social sciences. Her main research topics include immigration, with a special focus on second-generation immigrants, Islam in Europe and asylum law.

Giorgia Bulli is Assistant Professor at the University of Florence, Department of Political and Social Sciences, where she teaches Political and Electoral Communication and Political Language Analysis. Her main research topics involve the political mobilization of populist and far-right parties and movements, and the politicization of contemporary migration issues.

Ivana Acocella and Giorgia Bulli, Introduction
Section 1: Context Analysis Immigration and asylum policies in Italy: A focus on the Tuscan context
Ivana Acocella, Reception measures for asylum seekers and refugees in Italy: policies and evolutionary dynamics
Costanza Gasparo and Stella Milani; The governance of policies for the integration of immigrant citizens in Tuscany
Ivana Acocella
, The "White Paper" of the Tuscany Region: principles and proposals to promote "best practices" for reception and integration and foster social cohesion
Section 2: "Best Practices" Reception and integration measures for migrants in the Tuscany region
Ivana Acocella, Maria Grazia Krawczyk and Giovanna Tizzi, "Reception" and "Integration". Integrated governance for social inclusion interventions
Sara Albiani, Maria José Caldés Pinilla, Giuseppe Cardamone, Laura delli Paoli, Barbara Mamone
and Sergio Zorzetto, Healthcare
Stella Milani
, Social assistance
Lorenzo Luatti and Giovanna Tizzi, Intercultural linguistic mediation
Maria Stella Rognoni and Alberto Tonini, Legal assistance
Giorgia Bulli and Silvia Botti, Language learning
Annalisa Tonarelli, Work inclusion
Silvia Pezzoli, Promotion of citizenship and social cohesion
Costanza Gasparo
, Housing autonomy

Contributors: Sara Albiani, Silvia Botti, Giorgia Bulli, Maria José Caldes Pinilla, Giuseppe Cardamone, Laura Delli Paoli, Costanza Gasparo, Maria Grazia Krawczyk, Lorenzo Luatti, Barbara Mamone, Stella Milani, Silvia Pezzoli, Stella Maria Rognoni, Giovanna Tizzi, Annalisa Tonarelli, Alberto Tonini, Sergio Zorzetto

Serie: Sociologia - Open Access

Subjects: Sociology

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