Investing in safety in the environmental hygiene sector

Marco Frey, Massimo Battaglia, Emilio Passetti

Investing in safety in the environmental hygiene sector

This book, which focuses on a high risky sector (environmental hygiene sector), aims to analyse the degree to which health and safety managerial tools are applied inside waste management companies. The book supports academic debate and practitioners, providing empirical evidences and managerial indications for promote safety inside the companies.

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788891706706

Edition: 1a edizione 2014

Publisher code: 365.1085

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788891716460

Edizione:1a edizione 2014

Publisher code: 365.1085

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

As from the last decade of XX century, occupational health and safety has become increasingly important in Italy, both to public opinion and companies. On a company level, the increased importance of the matter has stimulated a growing number of companies to develop a structured and proactive health and safety management system. In this regard, this book, which focuses on a high risky sector (environmental hygiene sector), aims to analyse the degree to which health and safety managerial tools are applied inside waste management companies.
More specifically, after an initial analysis of the literature, the book discusses environmental hygiene sector's characteristics, the level of maturity of the health and safety management system inside the companies, and finally the implementation of an accounting tool for the measurement of accidents costs in four companies. The book supports academic debate and practitioners, providing empirical evidences and managerial indications for promote safety inside the companies.

Marco Frey is professor of management at the Institute of Management of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, where he serves as the Director of the Institute itself. He has published nationally and internationally on environmental management, sustainability management and occupational health and safety management.
Massimo Battaglia is researcher assistant in management at the Institute of Management of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa. He also teaches regional economics at the University of Pisa. He has coordinated national and international projects on corporate social responsibility, environmental management and safety management and published nationally and internationally.
Emilio Passetti is research fellow at the Institute of Management of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa. His research focuses on intellectual capital disclosure and on the relationship between accounting and sustainability, with nationally and internationally publications.

OHS management: an analysis of literature
(What is occupational health and safety; OHS as a variable of business conduct; OHS management and company performance; Direct and indirect costs of occupational accidents; OHS performance indicators; Conclusions)
The environmental hygiene sector in Italy
(Introduction; Waste management operating activities; Company ownership structure and economics structure; Health and safety in the sector)
OSH management: survey results
(Introduction; The role of contingent factors; Research design; Results and discussion; Discussion and conclusions)
The costs of accidents at work: a multiple case study
(Introduction; Research method; The accidents cost mode; The analysis stage; Conclusions)

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Environmental and Transportation Economics

Level: Scholarly Research

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