Italy today 2011.


Italy today 2011.

Social picture and trends

The CENSIS Report interprets Italy’s most significant socio-economic dimensions at a difficult moment in the country’s history. After a discussion of how Italian society has turned out to be fragile, isolated, and lacking autonomy, the report addresses some of the main issued that emerged during 2011: what is left of the Italian model of development, the causes of the country’s economic stagnation, and how to revitalize its growth potential.

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788820400675

Edition: 1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 2000.1357

Availability: Buona

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788856876208

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 2000.1357

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The Censis Report , now in its 45th edition, interprets Italy's most significant socio-economic dimensions at a difficult moment in the country's history.
The opening chapter, General Considerations, is a discussion of how Italian society has turned out to be fragile, isolated, and lacking autonomy. But above and beyond the pivotal role now played by leaders of financial institutions, the pace of Italy's economic growth is slow but follows a sound track: the value of the real economy, the extended time span of development, the emphasis on relationships and representation.
The second part of the Report, entitled Italian Society in 2011, addresses some of the main issued that emerged during that year: what is left of the Italian model of development, the causes of the country's economic stagnation, and how to revitalize its growth potential. Finally, the third and fourth parts address a number of specific areas: education and training, employment, welfare and health care, territory and networks, economic development and its main players, the mass media and communications, the public administration, security and citizenry.

Part I. General considerations
Part II. Italian society in 2011
The remnants of the Italian model
(Multiple identities and interests: Italians' renewed sense of seriousness; The erosion of the development model founded on the family; International reputation better than Italian self-esteem; The return of rationality over emotion)
The causes of economic stagnation
(The deficiency of the ruling classes; Productivity's downward trajectory; An off-target training system; Signs of a deterioration in services)
Re-energizing the potential for growth
(Putting household wealth to good use; Harnessing exports to kick-start industrial recovery; Widening Italy's geoeconomic influence; The excellence of the local economy: food and the good life; Capitalizing on the contribution of immigrants; New forms of relationships)
Part III. Areas of social policy
Educational processes
(Less leaving, broader territorial differentiation, more discouragement; The structural weakness of the career path process; What are the prospects for adult education?; Italian universities: little known facts and figures; The pros and cons of mobility)
Employment, professions and representation
(Uncertainties surrounding employment in the future; The two tracks of replacement in manual labor; Young people at the center of the crisis; The opposite cycle of off-the-book employment; The lack of mobility has to do with culture, not rules and regulations; Working hours and atmosphere in times of crisis)
The welfare system
(Healthcare and the risk of purely financial sustainability; Health, gender matters; Municipalities on the verge of social default; The needs of migrants and the innovation of the welfare system; From exclusion to disenchantment: the disinvestment of young people; Why supplementary pension schemes do not get off the ground)
Territory and networks
(The enduring crisis of the home construction business; From rhetoric to facts: transforming Italian cities; The crisis of public spaces exacerbates the malaise of urban dwellers; The importance of public meeting places; Delays, scant public funds and local conflicts penalize Italy's infrastructures; The inefficiency of urban mobility: a lethal disease or an opportunity for bold action?; Cycling expands as the demand for urban mobility grows)
Economy and development
(The Italian economy: teetering on the edge between creation and destruction of wealth; Business networks: a new, open, multi-function model; New momentum for Italy's industrial clusters; The sea: a source of wealth for the Italian economy; Italian households' savings: a vanishing act)
Parte IV. Means and procedures
Communications and media
("D-I-Y" programming in the era of media personalization; The Internet against the marginalization of information ; Politics, the star of TV programming; The delays in the digital revolution)
Public administration
(E-government is back; Reducing businesses' administrative burden; The general crisis national Parliaments; Participative democracy - the antidote to the 'NIMBY' syndrome)
Security and citizenry
(Crime beyond emotionality; The many forms of daily violence; How counterfeiting has evolved and is being combated; Economic and social mobility prospects for immigrants; Italy as seen through the eyes of the new Italians)
Looking Through figures
(Foreword; Tables)
(Societal self-awareness: from great goals to the emergence of spontaneous processes (1967-1971); From the "submerged" to the "emerged" economy (1972-1977); The pride of stability (1978-1981); Difficult relations between society and institutions (1982-1983); Consolidation and the need for maturity (1984-1987); Beyond proliferation (1988-1992); From revolutionary euphoria to an endless, wearisome transition (1993-1998); Something is moving in the enduring static nature of Italy's atomized society (1999-2002); From the search for new exit routes to the prospect of a neo-bourgeois recovery (2003-2006); The "mush" society. Italy on its way to its second metamorphosis (2007-2008))
Censis: an observer on the watch
(What is Censis?).

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