Language resources and linguistic theory

A cura di: Andrea Sansò

Language resources and linguistic theory

The papers collected in this volume focus on the implications of Language Resources for linguistic theory, and, conversely, on the implications of linguistic theory for the development of Language Resources, with special (but not exclusive) emphasis on LRs for language typology and second language acquisition.

Pages: 216

ISBN: 9788846489449

Edition: 1a edizione 2007

Publisher code: 1095.59

Availability: Discreta

The term Language Resources (LRs) refers to sets of language data and descriptions in machine readable form, such as written or spoken corpora and lexica or domain-specific databases and dictionaries. LRs are used in many types of components, systems, and applications, such as language-enabled information and communication services, knowledge management, e-commerce, e-publishing, e-learning, e-government, etc.
Being at the same time a theoretical and a technical enterprise, the creation of a language resource always raises a number of theoretical questions as to the way primary linguistic material should be documented and represented in it. Moreover, as computational efficiency is one of the main goals of successful, large-scale LRs, the creation of LRs forces the theoretical linguist to tackle seriously the issue of how to represent complex linguistic information when collecting and storing primary data. This is especially true for those domains of linguistics in which data are not usually represented in terms of categorial membership or binary traits, such as linguistic typology and the study of second language acquisition.
The papers collected in this volume focus on the implications of language resources for linguistic theory, and, conversely, on the implications of linguistic theory for the development of language resources, with special (but not exclusive) emphasis on LRs for language typology and second language acquisition.

Andrea Sansò is Assistant Professor in General Linguistics at the University of Pavia. His current research interests concern mainly linguistic typology, computational linguistics, linguistic theory and historical linguistics. Within the framework of the FIRB Research Program on "Europa e Mediterraneo dal punto di vista linguistico" (national coordinator: Paolo Ramat), he has supervised the creation of the Pavia Typological Database, a database collecting and documenting a number of morphosyntactic phenomena in the languages of Europe and the Mediterranean.

Andrea Sansò, Language resources and linguistic theory. By way of introduction
Part I. Corpora and annotation
Eva Hajicová, Corpus annotation as a test of a linguistic theory. The case of Prague Dependency Treebank
Petr Sgall, Issues of verb valency in syntactic annotation of a large corpus
Felice Dell'Orletta, Alessandro Lenci, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli, Corpus-based modelling of grammar variation
Part II. Resources for language typology
Michael Cysouw, A social layer for typological databases
Federica Da Milano, Caterina Mauri, Andrea Sansò, Documenting linguistic variation in Europe. The Pavia Typological Database
Part III. Language resources and second language acquisition
Cecilia Andorno, Stefano Rastelli, The road not taken. On the way to a parser of learning italian
Stefano Rastelli, Going beyond errors: position and tendency tags in a learner corpus
Part IV. Applications, corpus-based studies, on-going projects
Maddalena Menchi, "Eco" parallel corpus
Stefano Quaglia, Is construction-driven argument superimposition realistic?
Tommaso Caselli, An annotation scheme for bridging anaphors and its evaluation
Francesca Strik Lievers, Italian perception verbs: a corpus-based study
Maicol Formentelli, The vocative mate in contemporary English: a corpus-based study
Sabrina Cerini, Valentina Compagnoni, Alice Demontis, Maicol Formentelli, Caterina Gandini, Micro-WNOp. A Gold Standard for the evaluation of automatically compiled lexical resources for Opinion Mining
List of contributors.

Contributors: Cecilia Andorno, Tommaso Caselli, Sabrina Cerini, Valentina Compagnoni, Michael Cysouw, Federica Da Milano, Felice Dell'Orletta, Alice Demontis, Maicol Formentelli, Caterina Gandini, Eva Hajicova, Alessandro Lenci, Caterina Mauri, Maddalena Menchi, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli, Stefano Quaglia, Stefano Rastelli, Petr Sgall, Francesca Strik Lievers

Serie: Materiali linguistici

Subjects: Linguistics

Level: Scholarly Research

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