Layers of Contemporary Architecture

A cura di: Luigi Spinelli

Layers of Contemporary Architecture

The fourteen critical essays included in the book explore the work of architects who have significantly interpreted the layering of history and memory in the contemporary context. The volume aims at critically reflecting on the work of these protagonists of the international architecture culture, who have lectured within the Mantovarchitettura programme and fostered the debate between professional experience and university teaching.

Pages: 380

ISBN: 9788835120667

Edition: 1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 70.11

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 380

ISBN: 9788835132516

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 70.11

Can print: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The fourteen critical essays included in the book explore the work of architects who have significantly interpreted the layering of history and memory in the contemporary context: Paulo David, Marcio Kogan, Cristián Undurraga, Jonathan Sergison and Stephen Bates, Kengo Kuma, Solano Benítez, Angelo Bucci, Ángela García de Paredes and Ignacio Pedrosa, Níall McLaughlin, João Nunes, Rafael Moneo, Sean Godsell, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Diébedo Francis Kéré.
The volume aims at critically reflecting on the work of these protagonists of the international architecture culture, who have lectured within the Mantovarchitettura programme and fostered the debate between professional experience and university teaching.

Luigi Spinelli is Full Professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano.

Guillermo Aranda-Mena, Preface
Part I. Overlapping
Barbara Bogoni, Paulo David. Dwelling on the Land-sea Threshold: "Circular" Architecture
Filippo Bricolo,
Marcio Kogan. History as a Co-author
Claudia Tinazzi,
Cristián Undurraga. Educated Steadfastness
Helder Casal Ribeiro,
Jonathan Sergison and Stephen Bates. Unwritten Rule Legacy
Part II. Overlaying
Marco Imperadori, Kengo Kuma. "Particlizing" the Memory
Marco Biagi,
Solano Benítez. Building the Future by Innovating Tradition
Joubert José Lancha, Gabriel Braulio Botasso, Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli,
Angelo Bucci. Landscape, Paths and Thresholds
Part III. Resurfacing
Elena Montanari, Ángela García de Paredes and Ignacio Pedrosa. Architectures to Display Time in Space
Luca Cardani,
Níall McLaughlin. How Buildings Tell Parables
Carlo Peraboni,
João Nunes. Interaction as a Dimension of Landscape Design
Part IV. Recording
Veronica Ferrari, Rafael Moneo. The Space and Time of Architecture
Matteo Moscatelli,
Sean Godsell. Incremental Consistency
Martin Corullon,
Paulo Mendes da Rocha. What is Architecture?
Alessio Battistella, Camillo Magni,
Diébédo Francis Kéré. Primitive Forms of the Contemporary
Luigi Spinelli,

Contributors: Guillermo Aranda-Mena, Alessio Battistella, Marco Biagi, Barbara Bogoni, Gabriel Braulio Botasso, Filippo Bricolo, Luca Cardani, Helder Casal Ribeiro, Martin Corullon, Veronica Ferrari, Marco Imperadori, Joubert José Lancha, Camillo Magni, Elena Montanari, Matteo Moscatelli, Carlo Peraboni, Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli, Claudia Tinazzi

Serie: Architectural Design and History

Subjects: Architecture: Theories and History

Level: Scholarly Research

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