New Work Organisation and Industrial Relations in the German Industry

Isvet, Sofi

New Work Organisation and Industrial Relations in the German Industry

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9788820481483

Edition: 1a edizione 1994

Publisher code: 1021.104

Availability: Discreta

The category of participation is a complex category referring to different areas of business action, different concepts and different national experiences.

Study of the relations between big business, unions and workers shows that each national situation is marked by a mix of participatory forms (union, direct and institutional participation) existing side by side and sometimes in competition with each other.

The present study is dedicated to Germany, which is an «exemplary» case because of the solidity and efficacy of the participatory model it offers.

• Introduzione: La partecipazione tra impresa, sindacato e risorse umane. Tendenze internazionali ed esperienza tedesca, Luigi Saba

• Introduction: Participation of Business, Unions, and Human Resources. International Trends and the German Experience

• German Unions and Industrial Relations in the Early '9Os: Challenges and Possible Solutions, Martin Baethge, Harald Wolf
* A Profile of the German System of Industrial Relations
* Challenges for the System in the '80s: Political, Economic and Technological Changes with Institutional Continuity
* Labour Market Crisis and the Unions' Struggle for Shorter Work Hours
* The New Dynamics of Rationalization: Departure from Tayloristic and Fordistic Principles, towards "New Concept of Production" and "Systemic Rationalization"
* Transition in Work Performance Policies: New Approaches in Collective Bargaining
* Changes of Company and Staff Structures: Alteration in the Factory Political Arena and the Threat to the Unions Principle of Solidarity
* Human Resources Development: A Continuing Strength of the Unions
* Preliminary Balance: Increasing Tendency towards Single Company Representation. A Danger to Union Solidarity
* A New Situation with Uncertain Perspectives at the Beginning of the '90s: The IR between German Unification and European Integration
* References

• New Work Structures and Industrial Relations in the German Automobile Industry, Martin Kuhlmann, Constanze Kurz
* The Development of the Structure of Work in High Tech Areas
* The Development of Work Structures in Low Tech Areas of Production
* Successful Reform of Production with Increasing Segmentation. The Complexity of Workplace Politics in the Automobile Industry
* New Challenges for Trade Unions and Works Councils in the Light of Lean Production. Or, how much Regulation Can the New Production Model Take?
* References

• Manufacturing Strategies and the Reorganization of Work in the (West) German Electronics Industry: Their Impact on Industrial Relations, Ulrich Voskamp, Volker Wittke, Martin Kuhlmann
* Traditional Industrial Relations in the West German Electronics Industry
* Transformation of Rationalization Strategies in the '80s and '90s
* A New Kind of Skilled Worker: Challenge for Plant Level Work Policy and Managerial Style
* Active Influence of the Organization of Work from Below
* Problems with "Problem Solvers"
* The Impact on Industrial Relations. Problem Solvers and Work Place Interest Representation: Rationalization Winners on a Collision Course

• Industrial Relations and New Work Organization in the German Chemical Industry, Uwe Neumann
* Traditional Forms of Industrial Relations in the German Chemical Industry
* New Challenges for the Chemical Industry and Their Effects on the Organization of Work
* Towards a Transformation of Industrial Relations in the Chemical Industry?

• A New Type of Expert? Reorganization of Work, Professional Perspectives and Industrial Relations in the Engineering Services, Ulf Kadritzke
* Introductory Remark: The Limits of the Subject and where they Are Crossed
* What Is Service Labor, what Are Engineering Services?
* Changing Enterprise Politics in Theory and Reality: The Contradictions of High Trust Organisation
* Qualified Service Labor as Controlled Autonomy: The Limits of Trust
* The Inhuman Side of Modem Enterprise: Time, Labor Intensity and Performance Appraisal
* The Dilemma of the Expert: Technical Services Labor between Profession, Enterprise and Market
* The Future of Industrial Relations in Germany: Problems of Union Interest Representation in the Segment of Higly Qualified Employees
* References

Contributors: Martin Baethge, Ulf Kadritzke, Martin Kulmann, Costanze Kurt, Uwe Neumann, Luigi Saba, Ulrich Voskamp, Volker Wittke, Harald Wolf

Serie: Isvet-Istituto per gli Studi sullo Sviluppo Economico e il Progesso Tecnico - Documenti

Subjects: European and International Economy - Labor Law, Industrial Relations - Economic Sociology, Sociology of Work and Organizations

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