The New Space Economy

Patrizia Di Tullo

The New Space Economy

Business models, sustainability profiles and accountability

This book analyses the New Space Economy from a managerial perspective. It explores the new strategic and organisational models and the social and environmental accountability of companies operating in the New Space Economy. It does so through a review of the multidisciplinary academic literature and reports from international organisations and an analysis of the websites and sustainability reports of some leading private space companies.

Pages: 96

ISBN: 9788835144571

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 366.147

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 96

ISBN: 9788835150435

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 366.147

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

The New Space Economy is a paradigm shift in the history of the space sector in which new economic actors (i.e., private companies such as SpaceX and BlueOrigin) work alongside traditional governmental players (e.g., NASA, ESA) creating new organisational and strategic models. In the New Space Economy, commercial purposes play a leading role and government entities and private companies pool their resources and capabilities in public-private partnerships to define new business models that exploit new applications and commercial services. However, there is a controversial relationship between these new business models, the sustainable development of the space industry and the preservation of the space and terrestrial environment.
The activities of the New Space Economy enable the advancement of research and scientific discoveries, but they also cause several critical environmental and social issues. For this reason, public opinion, governments, and international bodies demand greater social and environmental responsibility from New Space Economy actors. However, companies report little or no information on the sustainability impacts of their activities, facilitated by the lack of a clear regulatory framework.
This book analyses the New Space Economy from a managerial perspective. It explores the new strategic and organisational models and the social and environmental accountability of companies operating in the New Space Economy. It does so through a review of the multidisciplinary academic literature and reports from international organisations and an analysis of the websites and sustainability reports of some leading private space companies.

Patrizia Di Tullio
is a Post-Doc Researcher in Business Administration and Accounting at the Department of Economic Studies, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). Her research interests focus on the business model and its evolutionary aspects (i.e., business model innovation, sustainable business model, collaborative business model), and financial and non-financial corporate reporting practices.

(An overview of the book; Theoretical and practical contributions; Structure of the book)
The Space Economy: definitions and key aspects
(Introduction; The space industry: from the Old Space Economy to the New Space Economy; Business opportunities in the New Space Economy; Regulations in the New Space Economy: accountability and sustainability issues)
Strategies, business models and accountability implications of the New Space Economy
(Introduction; Public-Private Partnerships in the academic literature; Collaborative Business Model in the academic literature; Partnerships and business models in the New Space Economy; Accountability implications of new organisational and strategic models in the New Space Economy)
Social and environmental accountability in the New Space Economy
(Introduction; Environmental and social aspects of the New Space Economy; Corporate environmental and social accountability in the New Space Economy: an analysis of corporate social reports and websites; Accountability and space sustainability initiatives in the New Space Economy: setting standards and guidelines)
Future research and conclusions
(Research overview and concluding remarks; Limitation and future research on business models, sustainability profiles and accountability in the New Space Economy)

Serie: Economia e Management

Subjects: Economy and Business Studies

Level: Scholarly Research

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