The rise of digital finance

Valeria Stefanelli, Francesco Manta

The rise of digital finance

Empirical evidence on fintech firms, banks and customers

The study provides an overview of the changes occurred in the financial system, providing an analysis of the behavioural patterns of incumbent banks, fintech firms and customers. Target of the book are financial intermediaries, consultants and professionals interested in Fintech trends, as well as students of economics, law, engineering and social sciences.

Pages: 118

ISBN: 9788835150329

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 365.1287

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 118

ISBN: 9788835150336

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 365.1287

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

The rise of digital finance took a disruption in the world of digital financial services, forcing all the actors moving towards those paradigms of digital transition that involved all the economic sectors. This book aims at inquiring the features of the financial evolution, analysing the characteristics of the Fintech, the challenge seized by traditional banks, and the role of the customers, which are involved in the race to acquire new knowledge and literacy, and orienteering in the jungle of cybersecurity. The study provides an overview of the changes occurred in the financial system, providing an analysis of the behavioural patterns of incumbent banks, fintech firms and customers. Target of the book are financial intermediaries, consultants and professionals interested in Fintech trends, as well as students of economics, law, engineering and social sciences.

Valeria Stefanelli
is Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at University of Salento. She has a Ph.D in Banking and Finance at Tor Vergata University of Rome, and she is visiting research fellow at University of Wales (Bangor, UK). She has been the Rector's Delegate for the Third Mission Area. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Distretto Tecnologico High Tech (Dhitech) Scarl and the Scientific Committee of the Netval Association. She is author of over 60 publications in peer reviewed international journals and responsible for numerous research projects funded on competitive calls. Her main research topics include internal governance in banks, fintechs and performance, technology transfer and finance for start-ups.

Francesco Manta
(Ph.D) is a Research Fellow at University of Salento. He is also adjunct lecturer of Global Brand Management and International Trade Technique at LUM University. Manta has co-authored many articles published in international, peer reviewed journals. He also took part to national and international conferences on resources management. He works on different national and international funded projects on themes of sustainability and innovation, and he is member of Euram. He cooperated with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies on sustainability and innovation issues. His main topics of research regard business model innovation, digital finance, and stakeholder management.

(The rise of Digital Finance and the economic environment; The structure of the book)
A brave new Fintech world: the resistance to the desert of innovation
(Introduction; Theoretical background; The challenge to Big Tech and the rise of embedded finance; Conclusions, future developments, and trends)
Money and payments in a digital financial services era
(Introduction; Theoretical Background; Methodology; Results; Discussion and conclusive remarks)
Traditional banking and the "new normal": are incumbents losing the challenge of digital finance?
(Introduction; Open banking innovation; Methodology, sample and data; Results; Conclusions, limitations and implications)
A new age of payments: filling the gap of customers' digital financial literacy in the "new normal" post-pandemic era
(Introduction: Covid-19 and new business continuity; E-payments for online purchases; Digital financial literacy among youngsters and customer protection issues; Future development of fintech use and customer behavior)
Fintech efficiency and trends. An empirical approach on an Italian case study
(Introduction; Methodology, variables, and sampling; Results; Conclusions, limitations, and implications)
Conclusive remarks

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Economy and Business Studies

Level: Scholarly Research

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