Gianni Camisa, Antonio Giangreco
The Go-Kart Organization
A Guide to Superior Performance for Mid-Sized Companies Willing to Scale Up
An innovative approach to business modelling and organizational design for companies willing to win the competitive race in the “new normal” world, based on the kart metaphor: superior road control, speed, simplicity, openness and risk propensity.
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9788891787415
Edition: 1a edizione 2019
Publisher code: 1060.302
Availability: Discreta
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9788891795052
Edizione:1a edizione 2019
Publisher code: 1060.302
Can print: No
Can Copy: No
Can annotate: Sì
Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9788891795069
Edizione:1a edizione 2019
Publisher code: 1060.302
Can print: No
Can Copy: No
Can annotate: Sì
Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions