The search has found 217 titles
Il testo si interroga sugli strumenti dell’etica, su cosa si intende per comportamento eticamente corretto e organizzazione socialmente responsabile, e presenta le direttive e gli orientamenti prevalenti a livello di Unione Europea e sul piano internazionale.
cod. 1529.106.107
cod. 1529.2.96
Un percorso italo-francese
cod. 1529.2.95
cod. 1529.105
cod. 1529.2.75
Talking about metacompetencies concerning training: how and why The article describes transformations happened at specific professions level concerning new working method characterized by the consequences of the introduction of new technologies. It’s not about personalities and professionalisms rather than competencies. In this mutation of perspectives, the essay develops the increasingly important role undertaken by the general and transversal competencies, therefore called metacompetencies. Metacompetencies themselves are able to ensure both mobility (among corporation and within the same company) and a long life learning process for the subjects.
Una ricerca in Emilia-Romagna
cod. 1529.2.94
Prospettive di analisi del consumo nella società globale
cod. 266.1.16
cod. 1529.103
cod. 1529.2.91
cod. 1529.102
Il contributo della memoria d'impresa
cod. 1529.2.89
cod. 1529.2.60
Immateriality is a distinctive trait of today’s society, and many are the consequences it has on production and work. An analysis of such consequences is carried out. Essential competences are increasingly immaterial; such competences have to be constantly adapted to changes in production and society; they have to be enriched by immateriality that grows outside companies; value arises from giving significant immateriality to material products. That means it is immateriality what creates value: the value of material products is in their immaterial aspects. Problems and ambivalences are then discussed, such as the process of knowledge privatisation and the importance of individuality, subjectivity, and creativity.
The first part of the paper analyzes most recent transformations of work, both in the ‘macro’ and in the ‘micro’ erspective. Consequently, the second part of the paper points out ambiguities, ambivalences and complexities characterizing these transformations; then it tries to develop possible paths in order to combine quality of work and efficiency in the modern post-fordist firm.