Maila Pentucci, Annalina Sarra, Chiara Laici

Feedback to align teacher and student in a Digital Learning Ecosystem


Fascicolo: 1 / 2023

In this paper, we present an example of a Digital Learning Ecosystem, set up during the first period of the pandemic emergency and then remodelled and re-proposed for hybrid didactics provided afterwards, involving five pedagogical-didactic courses of two universities in central Italy. The central device in this Ecosystem was recursive feedback, which in contexts of didactics mediated by screens can anyhow activate discursive, adaptive, interactive and reflexive dynamics. In order to understand if these aims were pursued, we administered an open-ended questionnaire to 274 students, which was not intended to measure their enjoyment of the method and the environment, but their perceptions regarding the effectiveness of the system on their learning processes, not only at a cognitive level, but also on at an interpersonal and intrapersonal level. The analysis was conducted according to the Structural Topic Model, which allowed us to re-read the responses as a unique corpus of reflective writings, generated by the students after the input provided by the assigned task.

Chiara Laici, Maila Pentucci

Developing university students’ feedback literacy through peer feedback activities


Fascicolo: 1 / 2023

In order to make feedback become a process leading didactic practises it is necessary to overcome the static and single-directional vision linked to providing and receiving feedback and to go towards an interactive and generative feedback, foreseeing some peer feedback moments, some self-evaluation and self- regulation. In this paper we would like to describe a didactic path focused on feedback, activated in two University courses in different Universities with the following aims: activating subsequent feedback spirals (Carless, 2019), first between Professor and students, then between peers, to get to a self-awareness interior process, that is an incorporation of reflexivity on one’s own practices. Promoting feedback literacy (Carless & Boud, 2018) in the student through the experimentation in the practice. In particular, we will account for a peer feedback process realised in the following steps: a) the group production of a learning design; b) the peer review of the colleagues’ designs, through the "Ladder of Feedback" protocol, with a following sharing of the reviews; c) the subsequent reflection on the activated processes through a questionnaire on the students’ perceptions. The analysis of those productions enables us to reflect upon the sense of effectiveness granted to the peer feedback, on the differences between the Professor’s and the peer feedbacks, on the comprehension of the role of the peer feedback within the training process.

Anna Dipace, Alberto Fornasari

Il post digitale

Società, culture, didattica

Quali scenari e prospettive educative nell’era del post digitale? Quali emergenti potenzialità per i processi di insegnamento/apprendimento? Quali le ricadute negli ambiti formativi? Questi gli interrogativi cui mira a rispondere il volume, che raccoglie gli atti del Convegno SIREM 2021, fondando al contempo una riflessione finalizzata a proposte e azioni educative, didattiche e culturali che muovano nella direzione di un consapevole processo di cambiamento e di innovazione.

cod. 1096.1.9

Nell’interazione tra docente e studenti, il feedback rappresenta un elemento essenziale, che contribuisce a costruire il gruppo classe configurandolo come sistema. Nella didattica universitaria è quindi importante esplorare una nuova cultura del feedback e un approccio learning-centred che consenta di intenderlo come processo ricorsivo, ciclico, generativo e trasformativo. Un approccio che richiede un ripensamento e una trasformazione delle pratiche didattiche e che vede docenti e studenti impegnati reciprocamente nello sviluppo della Feedback Literacy e nell’interazione costante in ecosistemi formativi integrati anche digitali.

cod. 1096.1.8

Maila Pentucci, Chiara Laici

Gli organizzatori dell’azione didattica: un confronto tra docenti in servizio e studenti in formazione pre-service


Fascicolo: 1 / 2019

In the didactic action, the organized forms are recursive in the practices of both experienced teachers and pre-service training students; also its meanings are quite similar. According to the studies on Professional Didactics, these recursions are useful for the practice analysis and for promoting an investigative attitude in the teacher as a reflective professional. This paper will try to highlight which pedagogical formats are in some lessons, designed both by teachers and by pre-service traning students. In particular, the following aspects will be analized: 1) the meanings assigned to these formats by those involved in the research; 2) the reasons for their use; 3) the level of awareness of their involvement in the action (both in terms of design and practice). A first survey, carried out through evidences' analysis and co-explication, shows both the teacher enters the community with schemes of action that are already structured, and how the community knowledge influences both the consolidation of didactic formats consolidation and the organizers of the didactic action.

Pier Cesare Rivoltella

Smart future.

Teaching, Digital Media and Inclusion

This book deals simultaneously with three issues: educational technology in the school, the relationship between education, research and companies and the professional development of teachers. In respect of these three themes this volume may be considered as a research report, a case study and a working hypothesis.

cod. 1096.1.3

Pier Cesare Rivoltella

Smart Future.

Didattica, media digitali e inclusione

Un punto sulle tecnologie digitali attualmente disponibili e sui contenuti che esse possono veicolare nella scuola. Il testo mette a disposizione di educatori e insegnanti una sperimentazione sul campo – dalla dotazione delle classi di strumenti digitali, alle rappresentazioni di alunni e insegnanti, al lavoro didattico concreto – che diventa un autentico manuale per i docenti che intendano utilizzare tali risorse nel loro lavoro quotidiano.

cod. 1096.1.2