Il Decreto Legislativo 81/08 stabilisce l’obbligo per i datori di lavoro di includere fra i rischi che è necessario valutare anche quelli relativi allo stress lavoro-correlato secondo quanto stabilito dall’Accordo siglato dale parti sociali europee nell’ottobre del 2004. Tale Accordo definisce lo stress come: «condizione caratterizzata da insoddisfazione o da disturbi fisici, psicologici o sociali conseguente al fatto che le persone non si sentono in grado di far fronte adeguatamente alle esigenze o alle attese nei loro confronti». L’approccio psicologico adottato da tale definizione tende a concentrare l’attenzione su elementi connessi a valutazioni cognitive e caratteristiche individuali che possono indurre a trascurare gli aspetti nocivi per il benessere dei lavoratori conseguenti alle carenze delle decisoni organizzative. Questo articolo intende evidenziare l’importanza che rivestono le scelte organizzative nel manifestarsi di questi nuovi rischi attraverso i risultati di una ricerca effettuatua su di un gruppo di operatori di un’azienda sanitaria locale del Nord Italia.

C.I.Do.S.Pe.L., Michele La Rosa

Bologna 2004.

Secondo Rapporto sulla città

cod. 1529.2.86

Claudia Girotti, Stefano Grandi

Sul lavoro e verso il lavoro: propensioni, aspettative e realtà


Fascicolo: 94 / 2004

At work and towords work: propensions, expectations and reality This essay sets out to analyse how employment expectations, expressed by graduates at the moment they received their university degree, are realised and/or modified one and three years after graduation. In particular, the analysis concerns the realisation at work of the propensities expressed at graduation for those who were working; on the other hand, for those who stated that they were jobseekers, the possible changes in their work preferences were examined. In order to determine their principal tendencies, the various aspects of the work which was found or sought were then compared with what was declared at the moment of graduation as well as with appropriate in-depth analyses concerning, for example, gender differences and differences in fields of study and residence.

Stefano Grandi, Elena Nardi, Gian Piero Mignoli

Universitari: aspettative di studio e di lavoro


Fascicolo: 94 / 2004

University students: expectations about study and work In this paper the authors analyze desires and aspirations about studies and work expressed by graduates in the AlmaLaurea questionnaire at the moment of their university degree. Here are examined privileged choices of graduates who want to continue their studies and the expectations about their future employment. Such elements are investigated through the outcomes of questionnaires compiled by students who got their degree in 2001 at the Universities belonging to AlmaLaurea Consortium. Significative meanings analysed together with trends arisen comparing previous identical surveys made during the period 1998- 2001. Post graduate kind of study privileged by graduates who want to keep on studying, job prospectives outlined by job searchers and opinions about most effective job hunting strategies are the topics of this section.

Andrea Cammelli, Michele La Rosa

I laureati in Italia.

Le indagini di AlmaLaurea su scelte formative, orientamento al lavoro e occupabilità

cod. 1529.94

Michele La Rosa, Giorgio Gosetti

Lavori in corso.

La costruzione degli orientamenti al lavoro nei giovani al tempo della flessibilità

cod. 1529.2.53