Family resilience in post war context - Recent research findings highlight the role of context and family function-ning (Walsh, 2008) in strengthening resilience both individual and familiar. Studies about adolescents in post conflict context (Galvani, 2008) have confirmed the relevance of meanings (considered both as a making process and content) in mobilizing resources in the face of adversities. Literature (Antonovsky, 1987; Almedom e Glandom, 2007) states that Sense of Coherence (event’s Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness) indicates resilience in face of critical events. This study on Kosovar adolescents who experienced war during childhood (N. 144) suggests the centrality of family support and family functioning in making meaning out of adversities in order to enact individual adjustment. Data confirm family sense of coherence as resilience mediator in wellbeing.