Umberto Monarca, Ernesto Cassetta, Alessandro Sarra, Cesare Pozzi

Integrating renewable energy sources into electricity markets: Power system operation, resource adequacy and market design


Fascicolo: 2 / 2015

Focusing on the Italian power system, the article examines how the national regulatory framework has been modified to effectively accommodate and further increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix while preserving system reliability. This paper argues that operational changes and regulatory measures adopted so far, which are mainly directed to create a level playing field between different energy sources, constitute a short-term response, and thus of limited effectiveness while increasing cost for consumers. To intensify the de-carbonization process of the Italian power system a more fundamental revision of the current market design is required. In this view, an essential ingredient is the future expansion of the electricity grid starting from a clear recognition of energy mix that we intend to reach in the mid/long term.

Ernesto Cassetta, Cesare Pozzi

Infrastrutture di trasporto e crescita.

Una relazione da costruire

Il volume sollecita un nuovo approccio al tema delle politiche infrastrutturali, che ne riconosca il ruolo strategico e consenta di far emergere i canali attraverso cui infrastrutture, territorio e imprese possono contribuire sinergicamente al progresso economico.

cod. 318.2

Il volume si propone di cristallizzare i risultati di un confronto – avviato con il Convegno “Valutazione e controllo strategico nelle amministrazioni pubbliche. Dalla fase della pianificazione alla fase del controllo organizzato” – sulle varie problematiche che attengono alla definizione e all’implementazione di un sistema di valutazione e controllo strategico delle amministrazioni pubbliche.

cod. 365.764

In order to implement the European Directive 94/62/EC, in 1997 Italy has adopted the so-called Ronchi Decree that establishes several rules for the recycling and recovering of waste packaging. The main feature of the Italian system is that it provides for the creation of packaging producer's associations, which are committed to accomplish the targets set forth by the Directive. The paper aims to assess the proportionality between the contribution of COMIECO the cellulosic packaging producer's association to environmental protection, and the distorsion and restriction of competition in the waste paper market caused by its activities. The main finding is that not all the restrictions to competition are necessary to accomplish its special mission. In order to contribute to the development of a better set of rules, a qualification of the COMIECO as a buyer of last resort is proposed.