Seguendo un approccio interdisciplinare, il libro propone una riflessione sulle caratteristiche di un moderno welfare in grado di porre al centro degli interventi socio-sanitari la “persona”. I saggi presentati nel volume mostrano come sia possibile costruire un welfare in grado di cogliere le trasformazioni in atto nella società.

cod. 365.1151

Mauro Castiello, Michele Mosca, Salvatore Villani

Analisi di resilienza delle reti complesse ed efficacia delle politiche pubbliche di contrasto alla criminalità organizzata


Fascicolo: 116 / 2015

This paper aims to show in which way the joint use of analysis techniques of the complex networks and the human capital economics might lead to the implementation of new and more effective policies to contrast organized crime. For this purpose, the paper employs an interdisciplinary approach and studies, making use of the techniques and concepts of Social Network Analysis, the structure of existing interpersonal relationships inside two criminal networks engaged respectively in international drug trafficking and in the local providing of social welfare services to the person. The study of the above mentioned networks is based on the analysis of judicial acts issued in the context of two recent police operations successfully completed. The results highlight the remarkable ability of networking and the resilience to law enforcement activities of the examined criminal organizations, suggesting the adoption of new and diversified repressive policies based on the analysis of human capital which these organizations can use for their own purposes.

Michele Mosca, Francesco Pastore

La coesistenza fra organizzazioni forprofit e nonprofit. Una possibile spiegazione


Fascicolo: 81 / 2003

The Coexistence Among Forprofit and Nonprofit Organisations. A Possible Explanation This paper aims to extrapolate the conditions under which the existence of wage differentials in favour of for-profit and against non-profit organisations, found in many empirical studies, can be beneficial to the development of both and ultimately lead to a harmonious coexistence. In the spirit of Akerlof and Yellen (1990), the key concept of the analysis is that the workers’ remuneration comprises two parts, the first of which is monetary and the second, non-monetary. In fact, if the remuneration is only monetary and labour is a homogeneous good, no long-term difference can possibly exist between the for-profit and the non-profit sector. The two sectors coexist only when the remuneration includes non-monetary factors, as ideologically heterogeneous workers sort themselves out into either one or the other sector. This result is illustrated by presenting two simple theoretical exercises.