Roberto Grandicelli

Nasce lo "human-centered branding"

CSR, Internal branding e dinamiche slow

Un efficace strumento analitico per tutti coloro che si occupano di comunicazione, pubblicità, marketing e branding, nelle sue diverse declinazioni. Il testo traccia il profilo della nascente strategia di branding per la quale l’uomo viene posto al centro di tutte le dinamiche aziendali e ripercorre la strada fin qui percorsa (dalla marca al branding), analizzandone l’evoluzione in ottica human (internal branding e dinamiche slow), passando attraverso la crescente attenzione al bene comune (CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility), fino all’illustrazione della filosofia “human-centered branding”.

cod. 244.66

Sergio Tonfi

Super Brands.

Da grandi poteri, grandi responsabilità

Analizzando la difficile situazione congiunturale in cui si trovano le marche oggi, questo volume identifica quali fattori possano aiutare un brand a fare la differenza, a mantenere rilevanza e a distinguersi dai concorrenti entrando per sempre nel cuore dei consumatori. Le storie di successo di alcuni Super Brands ci mostrano come per diventare tali occorra soprattutto la consapevolezza che da grandi poteri derivano grandi responsabilità.

cod. 270.6

Patrizia Musso

Slow Brand

Vincere imparando a correre più lentamente

Il libro che ha definito un trend! A quattro anni dalla prima edizione di questo fortunato testo, Patrizia Musso aggiorna l’analisi di un fenomeno che non diminuisce, anzi avanza! Un prezioso strumento di studio e lavoro per tutti coloro che si occupano di comunicazione, pubblicità e marketing.

cod. 270.2

Simplicity as the key driver to market technology: the Philips case - Technology is present in our life everywhere. But the digital promise to help people living better is not yet arrived. That’s why Philips has choose simplicity ad a driver for its new brand positioning, looking for products and solutions able to really improve the quality of life based on the promise of making more sense but also simpler to use. Marketing function has now the leading role to transform Philips into a more customer-centric organization. A new set of tools, including mission critical initiatives and net promoter score, together with a complete re-thinking of the use of communication to address both the world outside but also the internal target, are changing the face of Philips, a leading multinational in the strategic areas of healthcare, lighting and consumer lifestyle. Keywords: Power of technology, making senso of technology, looking for simplicity, consumer’s needs evolution, customer centricity, brand re-positioning, value proposition house, mission critical initiative, net promoter score.

Sergio Tonfi

Philips e Sostenibilità: crescere costruendo un mondo migliore


Fascicolo: 106-107 / 2007

Sustainability is an integral part of the way we do business. We want to be a company that simplifies solutions for the people (following our brand promise sense and simplicity) and concentrating on areas where we can make an impact with our capabilities and expertise, we are focusing our sustainable approach on healthcare and energy saving. Sustainability is in our DNA: we have been improving people’s lives with pioneering innovations for more than 116 years, ever since our company was founded in 1891, and today we continue to be true to our heritage, integrating social equity, environmental quality and economic prosperity also with localized projects dedicated to the communities we live in. We recognize that sustainability offers a world of opportunities to improve quality of life and deliver value to individuals, communities and the company and we’re committed to contribute to sustained profitable growth creating a better world for our future.