The Ethics of News Translation

Eleonora Fois

The Ethics of News Translation

Translation is no longer regarded as merely a linguistic exercise, but rather as an action founded on ethical principles and framed within a specific ideological framework. The ethical issues connected to the position and relevance of translation in the newsroom have not been explored theoretically or practically. This monograph will thus investigate such issues through the lens of translations from English into Italian, drawing on both Translation Studies and Journalism Studies, where ethics and objectivity are once again prioritized.

Printed Edition


Pages: 110

ISBN: 9788835136255

Edition: 1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 1116.32

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 110

ISBN: 9788835139034

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 1116.32

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 110

ISBN: 9788835139041

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 1116.32

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

In a world where communication platforms abound, it is pivotal to pay close attention to mediation and quality control. In this background, journalism is entrusted with the delicate responsibility of providing reliable information so that people can make informed decisions.
While the connection between language (knowledge) and journalism has long been recognized, attention in the role of translation, both as a process and as a product, in this relationship is relatively new but crucial: because translation may help to reduce confrontation as well as amplify dissent, how the message is reported - and translated - matters.
Translation is no longer regarded as merely a linguistic exercise, but rather as an action founded on ethical principles and framed within a specific ideological framework. The ethical issues connected to the position and relevance of translation in the newsroom have not been explored theoretically or practically. This monograph will thus investigate such issues through the lens of translations from English into Italian, drawing on both Translation Studies and Journalism Studies, where ethics and objectivity are once again prioritized.

Eleonora Fois
is Ph.D. in Philological and Literary Studies and is currently a fixed-term researcher in English Language and Translation at the University of Cagliari. Her research involves various aspects of translation: news translation and ethics, translation in ELT, ELT for translator training, and stage translation: her performative study on Italian translations of Shakespearean plays, Shakespeare tradotto, was published in 2018 by Carocci. She also published both nationally and internationally on Italian stage translations of contemporary playwrights, and on literary translation, with a specific focus on the cultural rendition of foreign landscape in the English translations of Grazia Deledda's novels.

Translation in the Newsroom
(The News Discourse; News Translation; The Cultural Implications of News and the Intercultural Aspects of News Translation)
Journalism Ethics
(Globalisation, International News Flow, Intercultural Communication, and Ethics)
Translation and Ethics
(The Ethics of the Translator(s); Authorship, Responsibility, Accountability; Quality and Errors)
Ethics in News Translation
(How Quotations are Made; Ethical Problems of Translated Quotations; Intercultural Problems in Translated News)

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