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Women and peace

A cura di: Marilisa D'Amico, Tania Groppi, Costanza Nardocci

Women and peace

The Role of Women and Women’s Civil Society Organizations in Peace Processes

Women have traditionally been portrayed as extraneous to armed conflicts and peace building processes. Collecting contributions about Countries featuring extremely diverse legal contexts and past histories, the book wishes to prove that women might have a key role in peace processes and advocates for a critical approach, which rejects one way interpretations and gender stereotypes.

Pages: 364

ISBN: 9788835158769

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Publisher code: 10893.4

Info about Open Access books

Women have traditionally been portrayed as extraneous to armed conflicts and peace building processes, due to their passive nature and believed lack of agency.
Conversely, the book advocates for quite the opposite.
Collecting contributions about Countries featuring extremely diverse legal contexts and past histories, the book wishes to prove that women might have a key role in peace processes.
Moreover, describing how women may take an active part in peace building process and in armed conflicts, even directly or indirectly perpetrating war crimes themselves, the book advocates for a critical approach, which rejects one way interpretations and gender stereotypes.
By way of examining emblematic cases on a global and country-specific approach, the book, therefore, offers insights on the status of women in international political affairs and on the concrete realization and ongoing challenges of the United Nations Security Council's Resolution No. 1325 of 2000 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS).

Marilisa D'Amico is Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Milan, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, Vice-Rector for Legality, Transparency and Equality of Rights at the University of Milan. She teaches Constitutional Law, Constitutional Justice, and Women's Rights in the Constitutional State at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, at the University of Milan. She is in charge of the Presidency of the inter-University Center "Culture di Genere", Scientific Coordinator of the Center "Migrazioni e Diritti umani", and of the Course of Specialization on gender-based violence and on public methods for promoting gender equality.

Tania Groppi
is Professor of Public Law at the University of Siena, where she also teaches Comparative Law and Gender Equality Law. She directed national and international research projects on constitutional justice, constitutional democracy, dialogue between courts.

Costanza Nardocci
, PhD, is Professor in Constitutional Law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, University of Milan, Italy. She teaches "Gender Justice", "Women in Tech: New Frontiers of Gender-Related Rights and Artificial Intelligence", "Public constitutional Law", and "Human rights and Climate change".

Kathryn Abrams, Preface
Marilisa D'Amico, Tania Groppi, Costanza Nardocci, Introduction
Part one. Women, Peace and Peace Processes
Federico Lenzerini, Some Freewheeling Reflections about Women and Peace
Elda Guerra, Women, Peace, Non-violent Conflict Resolution: a Historical Perspective
Yasemin Sancar Koyuncuoglu, A Historical Reading: XII International Congress of Women (1935) in Istanbul and its Contribution to the World Peace
Valentina Surace, Judith Butler's Militant Nonviolence
Liliana Estupinan-Achury, Nicole Dayanne Anzola Virguez,
Liliana Estupinan-Achury, Nicole Dayanne Anzola Virguez, Sin mujeres no habra verdad ni paz grande en Colombia
Aicha Liviana Messina, The Language of Elisa Loncon
Sara De Vido, Connecting Human Development, Dignity, and Gender Equality to Enhance Peace: An International Legal Feminist Perspective
Sevgi Dogan, The Attack on Women's Freedom and Their Role in Establishing Peace and Security in Illiberal Turkish Democracy
Part two. Women in Armed Conflicts
Islah Jad, Professionalism and the NGOisation of the National Agenda
Malgorzata Myl-Chojnacka, Association "Mothers of Srebrenica": the Fight with Injustice and Uncertainty
Davide Grasso, Gender Relationships and Legal Change in Syria. The Family Law Reforms of the Rojava Revolution
Anna Parrilli, Drawing post-Apartheid Geography in South Africa: The Constitutional Court's Approach to Housing, Land, and Gender
Edin Skrebo, The Role of Women's Associations in the Reconciliation Process in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina: Some Relevant Examples
Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Gender Digital Inclusion and Human Rights in Peacebuilding: A Case of Southeast Asia
Salwa Hamrouni, La mise en oeuvre de la Resolution 1325 du Conseil de Securite de l'ONU par la Tunisie
Cristiana Cella, Afghanistan: Weapons of Peace in the Hands of Women
Alexandra C. Budabin, Natalie F. Hudson, Transnational Connections to Stop Rape Now: Engaging the Women in CRSV Advocacy
Costanza Nardocci, From Boosting Conflicts to Rebuild a Country: Rwandan Women at the Crossroads between Genocide and Empowerment
Irene Spigno, Carlos Galvan Gutierrez, The Struggle of Women Searching for Their Disappeared Loved Ones in Mexico
Notes on Editors.

Contributors: Kathryn Abrams, Nicole Dayanne Anzola Virgüez, Alexandra C. Budabin, Cristiana Cella, Sara De Vido, Sevgi Dogan, Liliana Estupiñán-Achury, Carlos Galván Gutiérrez, Davide Grasso, Elda Guerra, Salwa Hamrouni, Natalie F. Hudson, Islah Jad, Federico Lenzerini, Aïcha Liviana Messina, Malgorzata Myl-Chojnacka, Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Anna Parrilli, Yasemin Sancar Koyuncuoglu, Edin Skrebo, Irene Spigno, Valentina Surace

Serie: I diritti negati - Open Access

Subjects: Politics, law

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