Which labour struggles in the gig economyy? Protest movements of Foodora and Deliv-eroo riders and the legal issues concerning the autonomous collective organization

Author/s Eva Kocher, Anne Degner
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/163
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 525-540 File size 215 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2019-163005
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The digitalization of work changed deeply both the conditions of work and the work tools. The workers involved in the gig economy system are shaped in such different forms; one of the best known is the rider, who delivers goods - mostly food. In the last years, the riders or-ganized themselves in a collective way; that brought to protest movements and important goals. In the following article it will be analyzed how the European riders from Foodora and Deliveroo managed to organize themselves through the union, which was the help coming from the trade unions and the following reactions from the companies, in particular, in Germa-ny. Comparing the international facts, it will be described how difficult is the classification of the rider’s status and how this struggle reflects itself on the union claims.

Keywords: Riders; Deliveroo; Foodora; Gig work; Union claims; Protest movements; Collec-tive organization.

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Eva Kocher, Anne Degner, Quali battaglie sindacali nella gig economy? I movimenti di protesta dei rider di Foodora e Deliveroo e le questioni giuridiche relative alla loro organizzazione autonoma e collettiva in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 163/2019, pp 525-540, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2019-163005