Author/s Antonello Correale
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/2
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 31-41 File size 397 KB
DOI 10.3280/RPR2010-002004
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Psychoanalysis beyond the usual boundaries - The author identifies some pivotal points of the psychoanalytic anthropological view and relates them to the social context. First, the concept of free-floating attention, enabling us to detect what otherwise would remain concealed. This is particularly useful to find a way out of difficult situations. Then, the concept of libido, interpreted as "eros", i.e. the urge towards openness, as opposed to repetition of the same relational and emotional needs. Next, the conflict, which reveals how difficult it is for us the reconcile things and get to know our own limits, and at the same time, makes us more subtle and thoughtful in helping others. The emotional impact of transference, which is not so easy to bear, and may be responsible for our withdrawing into entrenched attitudes. Finally, the author focuses on the difference between institution and community. Community comes from munus, which means both commitment and gift. It is precisely in the dimension of the gift that our uniqueness finds its own place.
Keywords: Free-floating attention, libido, conflict, transference, community
Antonello Correale, La psicoanalisi al di là dei soliti confini in "RICERCA PSICOANALITICA" 2/2010, pp 31-41, DOI: 10.3280/RPR2010-002004