The subjectivity into the vortex of the world-society. Three considerations about Manlio Iofrida’s "subject as a system"

Author/s Sergio Manghi
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/3
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 45-58 File size 454 KB
DOI 10.3280/RPR2010-003004
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The subjectivity is not a quality separated from the body, as we the Moderns tend to think, but a quality inscribed in the living organization itself. Furthermore, it is not merely intra-individual, but at the same time relational and social. Such an interpretation of the subjectivity, inspired in particular to the works of Edgar Morin, is converging with the philosophical reflections about the subject developed by Iofrida in his discussion of the experimental results of the systemic infant research, and can help us to understand the present challenges of survival of our species, which is evolving for the first time in its history through a form of coexistence lacking of a unique organizational epicenter: the worldsociety.

Keywords: Subject, living system, relationship, world-society, Edgar Morin

Sergio Manghi, La soggettività nel vortice della società-mondo. Tre considerazioni intorno al "soggetto come sistema" di Manlio Iofrida in "RICERCA PSICOANALITICA" 3/2010, pp 45-58, DOI: 10.3280/RPR2010-003004