The metropolitan cities reform in Italy. Contradictions of a fuzzy legislation

Journal title ARGOMENTI
Author/s Maurizio Mistri
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/40
Language Italian Pages 27 P. 41-67 File size 159 KB
DOI 10.3280/ARG2014-040003
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The Author examines the recent italian proposed legislative reform of the metropolitan cities. A criticism is devoted to the fact that the metropolitan cities are, de facto, metropolitan Provinces and not a network of strictly connected local communities. The author remarks that this reform satisfies a political logic but not a scientific logic. When Parliament omits any scientific method in the definition of a metropolitan city the consequence is a reform whose destiny is probably a sharp failure. A consequence of this is that some metropolitan cities, so defined by Parliament, have not metropolitan characteristics, while some real metropolitan areas have not been indicated by Parliament. Following the author, a specific attention should be paid to the anthropological dimension of the metropolitan city.

Keywords: Governance of the metropolitan cities, metropolitan identities

Jel codes: R5, R28.

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Maurizio Mistri, La riforma delle città metropolitane in Italia. Contraddizioni di una normativa "sfocata" in "ARGOMENTI" 40/2014, pp 41-67, DOI: 10.3280/ARG2014-040003