Tracce - L’incontro in psicoterapia, tavola rotonda con Gaetano Benedetti, Medard Boss ed Eugène Minkowski (1964)

Author/s Pier Francesco Galli, Alberto Merini
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 267-284 File size 108 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2017-002005
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The psychotherapeutic encounter. A Round Table of 1964 with Gaetano Benedetti, Medard Boss, and Eugène Minkowski. The interventions at a Round Table held in Milan in 1964, titled "The psychotherapeutic encounter", are published. This Round Table was organized by the "Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy" (which in the 1970s took the name of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane) within the "Fourth Training Course on Problems of Psychotherapy", titled "Theoretical issues and clinical cases". The interventions are by Gaetano Benedetti, Medard Boss and Eugène Minkowski, who discuss the phenomenological approach in psychotherapy (also Gustav Bally was supposed to participate to this Round Table, but he couldn’t come because of a physical illness). The text of this Round Table was previously unpublished.

Keywords: Existential-phenomenological psychiatry; Daseinanalyse; Psychotherapeutic encounter; Transference; Therapeutic relationship

Pier Francesco Galli, Alberto Merini, Tracce - L’incontro in psicoterapia, tavola rotonda con Gaetano Benedetti, Medard Boss ed Eugène Minkowski (1964) in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 2/2017, pp 267-284, DOI: 10.3280/PU2017-002005