The motivation behind drinking craft beer in Italian brew pubs: a case study

Author/s Sergio Rivaroli, Martin K. Hingley, Roberta Spadoni
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/3
Language English Pages 19 P. 425-443 File size 180 KB
DOI 10.3280/ECAG2018-003009
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Despite Italians being "light drinkers" of beer, they are interested in specialty beers, with concern for craft-made beers, for taste, authenticity, uniqueness and sense of local identity. This study adopts a revised model of the Theory of Planned Behaviour incorporating self-identity and desire for unique consumer products, to understand the motivation to drink craft beers in a sample of two hundred and thirty four recipients, in ten different brew pubs of Emilia-Romagna region - Italy. Data was analysed using three-stage least squares (3sls) estimator. Results show the major role played by self-identity on the intention to drink craft beers, and the key role played by ‘tastiness’ and the presence of facilitating factors. Social pressure is of secondary importance, and the desire for ‘uniqueness’ is not a relevant aspect. Implications are discussed for further research developments within the context of the "experience economy" for crafted food products.

Keywords: Craft beer, brew pubs, theory of planned behaviour, self-identity, uniqueness

Jel codes: D10, M31, L66, I12

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Sergio Rivaroli, Martin K. Hingley, Roberta Spadoni, The motivation behind drinking craft beer in Italian brew pubs: a case study in "ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE" 3/2018, pp 425-443, DOI: 10.3280/ECAG2018-003009