Disabled and ageing: Two devaluing and devalued statuses

Author/s Aline Veyre, Melissa Ischer, Valérie Hugentobler, Ophélie Guerdat
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/1
Language French Pages 12 P. 51-62 File size 246 KB
DOI 10.3280/WE2021-001006
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This article proposes a discussion on the links between normative attributes related to disa-bility and those referring to aging. In the first part, the main characteristics of the social groups considered as ‘disabled’ and ‘old’ are discussed. The discussion highlights the scar-city of works that have focused on the phenomenon of ageing of people considered as disa-bled. In the second part of the text, a discussion of the issues, for support systems and for professionals, related to the phenomenon of ageing of people considered to be disabled is proposed. It concludes with the need to develop innovative practices to meet the diversity of needs of the people concerned.

Keywords: intersectionality; ageing; ageism; disability; ableism; discrimination

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Aline Veyre, Melissa Ischer, Valérie Hugentobler, Ophélie Guerdat, Invalide et vieillissant: deux statuts dévalorisants etdévalorisés in "WELFARE E ERGONOMIA" 1/2021, pp 51-62, DOI: 10.3280/WE2021-001006