Evolution of public management: From the "prince" to public value

Author/s Stefano Lorusso
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/3
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 33-54 File size 879 KB
DOI 10.3280/EP2021-003002
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This contribution aims at providing a systemic analysis of the approaches that have characterized the evolution of public management. The different ap-proaches are reported chronologically, after briefly mentioning some relevant points of Machiavelli’s thinking. Each of these approaches, whose most repre-sentative conceptual aspects are highlighted, is influenced by the institutional framework that defines priorities and purposes. The evolution of context, from the constitutional to the so-called relational state, has changed the focus of pub-lic action over time. Initially, the respect of procedures and rules was essential. Then, the aim of public management has gradually evolved towards a search for efficiency. In recent years, the requests coming from the various intermediate social actors have become remarkable. The main perspective is now the con-struction of relationships, collaborative interactions and partnerships between public and private subjects. Through the metaphor of systemic analysis, this work highlights the element of the public or-ganization (structure, operating mechanisms and processes) which is predomi-nant in each approach. In conclusion, the work focuses on the evolution of the role of citizens on public administration - from mere customers to coproducers - and tries to represent the great role of public organizations in generating value

Keywords: Public administration, public management, value

Jel codes: H83, H11, M10

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Stefano Lorusso, Gestione delle aziende pubbliche: dal "principe" al valore pubblico in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 3/2021, pp 33-54, DOI: 10.3280/EP2021-003002