The rhetoric of green jobs

Author/s Renata Semenza
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/175
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 359-375 File size 232 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2022-175003
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From a socioeconomic perspective, the article addresses the issue of green job, its conceptual definition, the measurement and classification systems adopted and the role it is attributed to in the environmental transformation process, seen in particular from the supply-side. The debate on the effects of ecological transition and environmental policies on the labour market has focused on the destruction and creation of employment. Lacking, especially in international re-porting, is a more targeted and systematic approach to the need for specific professional pro-files, capable of making predictions about the outplacement process. Furthermore, there is an absence of an overview in connecting the work associated with the transition - which is generically referred to as good job - with the training systems and the sectoral demand for work by companies, which moves away from the conception of a skills market. After having critically analysed the literature, what the article, of an exploratory nature, highlights is the lack of a se-lective theory of the green labour market, from which it emerges that eco-sustainable work can be considered the key factor of the just ecological transition.

Keywords: Green Job; Definitions; Classifications; Skills; Policies.

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Renata Semenza, La retorica dei green jobs in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 175/2022, pp 359-375, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2022-175003