Issue 3/2017
- A cura della Redazione, Editorial
- Olga Filaretova, Marie von Meyer-Höfer, Katia Laura Sidali, Is perceived authenticity also desired? Investigating the relation between perceived authenticity and product preference
- Daniel Eberhard, Translating means-end research into advertising strategy using the meccas model
- Johanna Katharina Schenner, The Gangmaster Licensing Authority: An Institution Able to Tackle Labour Exploitation?
- Piermichele La Sala, Raffaele Silvestri, Emilia Lamonaca, Nicola Faccilongo, Le capacità relazionali quali risorse critiche per la creazione di valore nella filiera vitivinicola lucana
- A cura della Redazione, Referee 2017
Issue 2/2017
- A cura della Redazione, Editorial
- Edvin Zhllima, Drini Imami, Elvina Merkaj, Irma Qinami, Erdit Nesturi, Consumer preferences for yogurt in Albania
- Rosa Maria Fanelli, Angela Di Nocera, How to implement new educational campaigns against food waste: An analysis of best practices in European Countries
- Drini Imami, Engjell Skreli, Edvin Zhllima, Catherine Chanb, Consumer attitudes towards organic food in the Western Balkans - the case of Albania
- Davide D’Angelo, Saverio Senni, Social farming and the recent national regulation: An exploratory survey
- Belinda López-Galán, Tiziana de-Magistris, Vincenzina Caputo, The impact of emotional intelligence of consumers when purchasing products with nutritional claims
Issue 1/2017
- A cura della Redazione, Editorial
- Vera Bitsch, Stefan Mair, Marta M. Borucinska, Christiane A. Schettler, Introduction of a Nationwide Minimum Wage: Challenges to Agribusinesses in Germany
- Richard Pomfret, Improved Infrastructure and Agricultural Exports from Central Asia
- Paola Corsinovi, Davide Gaeta, European Wine Policies and their consequences on the global wine trade
- Bodo E. Steiner, A phenomenon-driven approach to the study of value creation and organizational design issues in agri-business value chains
- Sabrina Arcuri, Gianluca Brunori, Francesca Galli, Insights on the role of private and public actors in food assistance provision: A literature review for High Income Countries
- Julia Anna Jungmair, Oliver Meixner, Green care day care for the elderly on Austrian farms
- Francesco Casadei, «Volete la salute?». Bevande e alimenti per il benessere nelle campagne pubblicitarie italiane tra XIX e XX secolo («Do you want your health?». Functional foods and beverages in Italian advertising campaigns between 19th and 20th century)