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Agenda 2030: Survey on Sustainable Development Goals through Invalsi Data

A cura di: Patrizia Falzetti

Agenda 2030: Survey on Sustainable Development Goals through Invalsi Data

Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is a shared action plan for people, for the planet and for prosperity, adopted in September 2015 by the 193 United Nations (UN) Member States. The guidelines of this journey are summarized by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the associated 169 Targets approved by the UN, with the aim to reach them by 2030. The INVALSI database provided a valuable resource to the authors to investigate the characteristics of the Italian school system.

Pagine: 172

ISBN: 9788835123330

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Codice editore: 10747.13

Informazioni sugli open access

Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is a shared action plan for people, for the planet and for prosperity, adopted in September 2015 by the 193 United Nations (UN) Member States. The guidelines of this journey are summarized by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the associated 169 Targets approved by the UN, with the shared aim to reach them by 2030. The volume, composed of 7 chapters, discusses 3 of the SDGs: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, to achieve gender equality and to reduce economic inequality within and across national borders. The INVALSI database provided a valuable resource to the authors to investigate the characteristics of the Italian school system. We wish the volume reading encourages the discussion about possible ameliorative interventions and it is a starting point to measure potential progress.

Patrizia Falzetti is Head of the INVALSI Statistical Service, which manages the acquisition, analysis and return of data concerning national and international surveys on learning to individual schools, stakeholders and the scientific community.

Patrizia Falzetti, Introduction
Emiliano Campodifiori, Patrizia Falzetti, Michele Marsili,
Territorial inequalities in education: some aspects related to the territory
Cecilia Bagnarol, Silvia Donno, Veronica Riccardi, Doing school but not at school: territorial peculiarities andsocio-economic inequalities in access to distance learning
Andrea Bendinelli, Michele Cardone, Patrizia Falzetti, Gender asymmetries: an analysis of the trend from I to II cycleof education
Patrizia Giannantoni, Veronica Pastori, Cecilia Bagnarol, Math gender gap according to socio-economic background in Italy: the better the conditions the larger the gap?
Paola Giangiacomo, Valeria F. Tortora, Immigrant performance towards reading in OECD PISA 2018
Jana Kopecna, Francesca Leggi, Maria Carmela Russo, INVALSI tests and the Italian territory: a comparison betweennative and foreign students of grade 8
Giuseppina Le Rose, Chiara Sacco, Targeting students with high risk of dropping out of school: a latent profile analisys
The authors.

Contributi: Cecilia Bagnarol, Andrea Bendinelli, Emiliano Campodifiori, Michele Cardone, Silvia Donno, Paola Giangiacomo, Patrizia Giannantoni, Jana Kopecna, Giuseppina Le Rose, Francesca Leggi, Michele Marsili, Veronica Pastori, Veronica Riccardi, Maria Carmela Russo, Chiara Sacco, Valeria F. Tortora

Collana: INVALSI per la ricerca

Argomenti: Didattica, scienze della formazione

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