Participatory processes and spatial planning.

Federica Leone, Corrado Zoppi

Participatory processes and spatial planning.

The Regional Landscape Plan of Sardinia, Italy

This book examines the evolution of the concept of participation by underlining its theoretical and technical pros and cons. Moreover, it puts in evidence that participatory processes in public decision-making show significant implementation difficulties. In this context, the book examines the emblematic case of the Sardinian Regional Landscape Plan (RLP).

Pages: 342

ISBN: 9788891740984

Edition: 1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 1786.2.3

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 342

ISBN: 9788891745910

Edizione:1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 1786.2.3

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 342

ISBN: 9788891745927

Edizione:1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 1786.2.3

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

We examine the evolution of the concept of participation by underlining its theoretical and technical pros and cons. Moreover, we put in evidence that participatory processes in public decision-making show significant implementation difficulties. On the one hand, public managers and policy makers often emphasize the role of participatory processes as providers of social equity and fair representation of needs and expectations of the local communities. On the other hand, the use of participation by the very same managers and policy makers is often used strategically, in order to move public opinion in the direction they want.
The Sardinian Regional Landscape Plan (RLP) represents an emblematic case of this dichotomy. Our analysis of the participatory processes implemented during the elaboration and revision phases of the RLP highlights that although participation could be utilized as a way to enforce democratic rights, the main goal of the regional administration was legitimation of already-taken decisions concerning the establishment of public policies. As a consequence, planning is subordinated to political constraints and, at the same time, it is shaped by the political system.

Federica Leone
, Building Engineer, is Doctor of Research in Regional and Urban Planning (University of Cagliari, Italy, 2013) and Master of Science in International Planning and Development (Cardiff University, United Kingdom, 2012). She is presently a research fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari. She is the author of essays in the fields of landscape, spatial and participatory planning.
Corrado Zoppi, Civil Engineer, is Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States, 1997), doctor of Research in Territorial Planning (University of Reggio Calabria, Italy, 1992), and Master of Science in Economic Policy and Planning (Northeastern University, 1990). He is a professor at the University of Cagliari (Sector ICAR/20 - Spatial Technique and Planning). He is presently the President of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari. He is the author of several essays in the fields of strategic, regional, spatial and urban planning, and strategic environmental assessment.

(Planning theory and practice; Progressive planning; Structures and complexity; Participation)
Literature review
(Introduction; Evolution of concept of participation; The current theoretical positions on participation; Benefits and limits of participatory approaches; Political influences, planning decisions and participation; Concluding remarks)
Research strategies, design and methods
(Introduction; Research strategy; Research design; Research methods; Concluding remarks)
The Sardinian Regional Landscape Plan (RLP)
(Introduction; Participation in the European and Italian public contexts; A Sardinian case study: the regional landscape plan; Concluding remarks)
Assessment of the Regional Landscape Plan of Sardinia (Italy): a participatory-action-research case study type
(Introduction; Privileged stakeholders and the Regional Landscape Plan; Local communities and the Regional Landscape Plan; Concluding remarks)
A multicriteria-contingent valuation analysis concerning a coastal area of Sardinia, Italy
(Introduction; Area and planning scenarios; Methodology; Sampling method and questionnaires; Results; Discussion and conclusions)
Does Landscape Protection Really Matter? An assessment based on Multicriteria analysis
(Introduction; The Conflict between the Town and the Regional Administration; Planning Proposals for an Area which the Current MPS Defines a Coastal Tourist Zone; Methodology; Sampling Method and Results; Discussion and Conclusion)
Data analysis
(Introduction; Typology of the participatory process; Benefits of the participatory process; Problems of the participatory process; Concluding remarks)
Procedural protocol
(Introduction; The definition of the concept of participation; What characterizes participatory processes?; The participatory processes supporting regional plans; Integration between the planning and participatory processes; Concluding remarks)
The delicate relationship between capitalization and impoverishment of cultural and landscape resources in the context of Strategic Environmental Assessment of municipal master plans: a case study concerning Tertenia, Sardinia (Italy)
(Municipal masterplans and Strategic Environmental Assessment; The LF of the SEA of MMPs in compliance with the PIC of the RLP; Cultural and natural heritage in the MMP-SEA of Tertenia; Concluding remarks)
Differentials in the regional operational program expenditure for public services and infrastructure in the coastal cities of Sardinia (Italy) analyzed in the ruling context of the Regional Landscape Plan
(Introduction; A GIS-based taxonomy of Sardinian coastal cities; Public Investment for services and infrastructure in the coastal cities in the context of the 2000-2006 ROP; Methodology and results; Discussion and conclusions)
(Introduction; Summary of the key issues; The research questions; Implications for theories and future research)
(Enclosure I - MCA procedure used to derive tab. 2 and tab. 3 of chapter 5; Enclosure II - Model of questionnaires; Enclosure III - Model of interviews; Enclosure IV - Thematic analysis of interviews; Enclosure V - Statistical analysis of questionnaires; Enclosure VI - Tab. 31, 32, and 33 of chapter 11).

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