Teaching a musical instrument to pupils with special educational needs

A cura di: Amalia Lavinia Rizzo

Teaching a musical instrument to pupils with special educational needs

Inclusion in the Italian school mode

In Italy, the presence of music-oriented secondary schools (SMIM) represents a valuable opportunity to enhance the use of music in order to raise the level of inclusiveness of each institution. Music fits positively into the dialectic between education and inclusion as it is a significant developmental experience that enhances the participation and learning of pupils with all types of special educational needs and makes the entire community more welcoming.

Pages: 162

ISBN: 9788835150954

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 10292.22

Info about Open Access books

In Italy, the presence of music-oriented secondary schools (SMIM) represents a valuable opportunity to enhance the use of music in order to raise the level of inclusiveness of each institution. Music fits positively into the dialectic between education and inclusion as it is a significant developmental experience that enhances the participation and learning of pupils with all types of special educational needs and makes the entire community more welcoming. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that musical activity promotes the integral development of the person even in the presence of severe disabilities and acts as a true "neuroprotector" of language, improving working memory, attention, well-being and self-esteem. Within this framework, the volume presents the results of research funded by the Department of Educational Sciences of Roma Tre University and carried out in collaboration with the National Committee for the Practical Learning of Music for All Students of the Education Ministry. Using an integrated methodology, for the first time in Italy researchers have investigated the level of inclusiveness of SMIMs and, starting from the identification of the problematic nodes, elaborated a series of didactic-assessment proposals for improvement which have been shared with schools and are described in this volume. Some attachments are available for downloading and printing on the volume's web page, which can be accessed from the website https://series.francoangeli.it/index.php/oa.

Amalia Lavinia Rizzo is Associate professor in Didactics and Special Education and contact person for students with disabilities and specific learning disorders at the Department of Education of Roma Tre University. Pianist, graduated in music didactics, specialized in support activities and music therapy, graduated in Arts, Music and Drama (DAMS), PhD in Pedagogy, she investigated the concept of inclusive music applied to the Italian context of "full inclusion" from preschool to conservatory. In particular, she has elaborated a model of intervention in preschools based on the use of musical play, proposed ways of compensatory use of music in the presence of specific learning difficulties for all school orders and developed a specific curricular design method for secondary schools that can be implemented by support musician teachers. Her study activity takes into account the orientation of "Evidence Based Education" in the field of special education; she is engaged in research activities related to the area of school inclusion, teacher training and the identification of effective educational-didactic strategies in the Italian context. She is the author and editor of numerous scientific and educational publications on the use of musical experience as a facilitator for the learning and participation of pupils with special educational needs.

Massimiliano Fiorucci, Introduction
Amalia Lavinia Rizzo, Inclusive musical instrument education in the Italian school: A national research
(Foreword; Problem and research objectives; Timeline and research team; Methodology, examples, and survey instruments; Inclusive teaching of musical instruments: the research areas; The results: problems detected and guidelines; Final remarks and prospects; References; Normative requirements)
Annalisa Spadolini, History, quality and perspectives
(A regulatory history of schools with a musical instrument department; The engagement of the National committee for the practical learning of music for all pupils - Ministry of Education; Quality indicators of music schools; Quality indicators of music teachers (both instrumental and general music); The path to follow; Normative requirements)
Marina Chiaro, The main findings of an Italian national research: statistics 2020/21
(Research Methodology; Characteristics of Italian secondary schools; Students with disability and specific learning disorders; Support activities and technology; Teachers' training for instrumental teachers; Conclusions; References)
Barbara De Angelis, Paola Greganti, Emotional Aspect as a Strategical Source
(Introduction; Adapting teaching action to learning needs: teachers' inclusive skills; Social-emotional dimensions and educational contexts: the teacher as facilitator of well-being; Scenarios for open reflection on emotions and inclusion; Strategic resources for inclusive teaching; Conclusions; References)
Cristiano Corsini, The need for an inclusive assessment
(Features of inclusive assessment; Features of educational assessment; First feature. Assessment as value judgment: the inclusion of other perspectives; Second feature. Assessing, measuring, assessing: the need for criterion tools; Third characteristic. Communicating evaluation to shape the future; Conclusions; References)
Marianna Traversetti, Music education and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD): opportunities for prevention, compensation and learning how to play a musical instrument
(The phylogenetic relationship between musical language and verbal language: what contribution to teaching from research findings?; Music and prevention of specific learning disorders; The observation of risk factors; The role of music for phonological enhancement: educational paths for dyslexia and dysorthography; The role of music for visual-time-space enhancement: teaching paths for dyslexia and dysgraphia; The method for practicing musical instruments: the role of compensatory tools; References; Normative requirements)
Maria Teresa Palermo, Body awareness and active imagination
(Foreword; Breathing techniques for posture and performance effectiveness, tailored to the specific difficulties of the pupil; Breathing techniques for controlling anxiety and muscle tension; Body awareness in relation to different tools and disabilities; Using active imagination for sound production, articulatory dynamics and pieces of music analysis; Body awareness, breathing and active imagination for wind instruments musicians; Construction of the learner/teacher relationship in relation to body awareness and physical contact; References)
Maristella Croppo, Franca Ferrari, Amalia Lavinia Rizzo, An access test for all
(Musicality and musical aptitude; Articulation of the access test; Asynchronous access test in case of severe disabilities; Ensuring accessibility of instrument courses in case of many applications: possible criteria; References)
Anna Bonaldo, Marcella Maio, Maria Luisa Nicelli, Anna Maria van der Poel, Amalia Lavinia Rizzo, Fabio Sebastiani, Adalgisa Serrecchia, Musical performance assessment in school examinations
(Introduction; Preparing pupils with special educational needs for their instrumental exam within the framework of the State Examination; Assessment: the marking scheme and a glossary; References; Normative references)
Mariateresa Lietti, The three magic words for an inclusive approach to musical group activities: listen, observe and relate
(Why observe and listen; Who to watch and listen to; How to listen and observe; What to listen to and observe; References)
Francesca Vergani, Group management for inclusive music education
(Why group management as an inclusive strategy; Recognizing and valuing plurality; Five strategies for inclusive group teaching; References)
Gabriele Rubino, Tailoring scores for an inclusive group
(Introduction; The features of the inclusive ensemble; Participation: musical scores to enhance everyone's voices; Seven notes for an inclusive scoring; References)
Filippo Sapuppo, The qualitative aspect of the research: the focus group
(The theoretical framework of the focus group; The survey; References)
Federica Pilotti, Good practices in inclusive education
(Planning of educational actions, music and inclusion; The tools: description and motivation of the choice; Conclusions; References)
List of online attachments.

Contributors: Anna Bonaldo, Marina Chiaro, Cristiano Corsini, Maristella Croppo, Barbara De Angelis, Franca Ferrari, Massimiliano Fiorucci, Paola Greganti, Mariateresa Lietti, Marcella Maio, Maria Luisa Nicelli, Maria Teresa Palermo, Federica Pilotti, Gabriele Rubino, Francesca Sapuppo, Fabio Sebastiani, Adalgisa Serrecchia, Annalisa Spadolini, Marianna Traversetti, Anna Maria van der Poel, Francesca Vergani

Serie: Scienze della formazione - Open Access

Subjects: Training Sciences, Pedagogy, Didactics

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