Religions in the post-secular age - The permanence of religion, or the return of the sacred, is today a common consideration in every research about advanced modern societies. In the first place, this paper will consider the limits of the weberian theory, which is at the base of every model of secularization and, as such, is now less significant for interpreting the present religious transformations. Secondly, it will discuss the concept of postsecular age, recalling Durkheim’s theory of "transfer of the sacred". The term post-secular here does not imply that secularization processes are finished. On the contrary, these processes are such that they highlighted relevant cultural phenomena capable to connect world and experience, history and knowledge of religions, precisely on the very ground of disenchantment and secularization. Finally the author shows an example of classification of fields in which we find new religious needs that, paraphrasing classical theology, could be defined as "preambula fidei" of the post-secular time.
Keywords: modernity, secularism, post-secular society, sacred, preambula fidei