Il muro di Padova: un muro di solida paura

Autori/Curatori Michela Morello, Rosj Camarda
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/86
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 19 P. 91-109 Dimensione file 177 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2008-086005
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Il muro di Padova: un muro di solida paura - The Padua Wall: a Wall of Solid Fear, If there is a lucky relevance in the concept of liquid fear, it is the physical image of what, not having a solid content, slides over, trickles through chinks and floods any surface that comes across. If applied to a specific case, the concept materialises in its solid ambivalence. In the Padua case under examination, the municipality makes the choice, explosive from a communication perspective, to par8 tially isolate - with an iron fence, the so-called wall - an inhabited area, considered out of control because of the growing flow of regular and irregular immigrants, of crime episodes, of drug dealing, of acts of intolerance by some of the residents. The area will be evacuated due to a serious sanitary emergence, the residents of that compound will be transferred in smaller groups in other buildings in the city. The fear of residents of the neighbouring area to find drug dealers in their homes will fade away. The solidity of an extreme measure will stay, as well as having indicated a solution in front of a failure, that is what terrifies most people. Key words: local government, urban policies, security strategies.;

Michela Morello, Rosj Camarda, Il muro di Padova: un muro di solida paura in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 86/2008, pp 91-109, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2008-086005