Journal title DiPAV - QUADERNI
Author/s Maura Galletta, Igor Portoghese
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/21
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 45-60 File size 887 KB
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The process of innovation inside of the work groups has received smaller attention regarding the individual and organizational levels of analysis. The present review is focused on the process of implementation of the innovation in the teams and the variable ones that influence such process. The main objective is to supply one look and an introduction to the more important theoretical perspectives and to use them like model in order to describe, to understand and to explore the process of implementation for the innovative performance of the teams. On the base of the analysis of the literature we propose a research’s model that considers the most meaningful variables that takes part in such process: the organizational and team climate, the norms and the support to the innovation, the leadership on the process of team innovation, and the shared vision.
Maura Galletta, Igor Portoghese, L'innovazione di gruppo in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 21/2008, pp 45-60, DOI: