Berlinguer in Bulgaria, 3rd October 1973: car accident or deadly attempt?

Author/s Vladimiro Satta
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/45
Language Italian Pages 31 P. 158-188 File size 236 KB
DOI 10.3280/XXI2019-045009
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In 1973, during a visit to Bulgaria Enrico Berlinguer, leader of the Italian Communist Party, was involved in a dramatic car crash, though he remained basically unharmed. At the time, the case was over, but in 1991 a communist senator, Emanuele Macaluso, said to the press that it had been a disguised attack to Berlinguer made by the secret services of the Eastern bloc, not a true accident. Although Macaluso’s version has become popular, the study of the witnesses, of the archive reports, of the subsequent journalistic investigation and of the historical and political context shows that the abovementioned conspiracy theory is groundless.

Keywords: Enrico Berlinguer, Italian Communist Party (Pci), Bulgarian Communist Party (Pcb), Soviet Union, International communism, Conspiracy theories.

Vladimiro Satta, Berlinguer in Bulgaria 3 ottobre 1973: incidente o attentato? in "VENTUNESIMO SECOLO" 45/2019, pp 158-188, DOI: 10.3280/XXI2019-045009